Bank of Africa s’associe à dltledgers afin d’accompagner la digitalisation des opérations de commerce international au travers de la Blockchain.

SINGAPOUR and CASABLANCA19 décembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — BANK OF AFRICA franchit une nouvelle étape dans l’accompagnement de ses clients dans la digitalisation des flux commerciaux internationaux à l’aide de la technologie blockchain de #dltledgers. La technologie est un facteur différenciateur dans l’environnement concurrentiel actuel, autant pour les entreprises que pour les banques. #dltledgers permettra à BANK OF AFRICA d’offrir à ses clients un nouveau canal digital pour le traitement des opérations de Trade Finance. Ce partenariat stratégique permettra au groupe bancaire de faciliter les échanges internationaux, d’améliorer la visibilité des flux sous-jacents et d’améliorer l’expérience client. En effet, la création de réseaux privés et sécurisés sur la blockchain permettra une collaboration et une confiance plus étroites entre la banque et ses clients. BANK OF AFRICA s’engage résolument à offrir une expérience client de pointe et à digitaliser les échanges documentaires des opérations de commerce international en utilisant la technologie blockchain de #dltledger ; la banque ouvre ainsi cette nouvelle voix en Afrique.

À propos de BANK OF AFRICA

Fondée en 1959, BANK OF AFRICA est un groupe panafricain de services financiers de premier plan. Capitalisant sur son appartenance au groupe O Capital, leader régional impliqué dans divers secteurs d’activité à fort potentiel de croissance, BANK OF AFRICA est une banque universelle dont les activités sont très diversifiées : banque de détail, commerciale, d’investissement et services financiers spécialisés tels que le leasing, l’affacturage, le crédit à la consommation et le recouvrement de créances. Présent dans 32 pays dont 21 en Afrique, le groupe se développe à travers une stratégie continentale tout en conservant une vocation internationale puisqu’il est bien positionné en Afrique, en Europe, en Asie et en Amérique du Nord.

À propos des dltledgers

dltledgers est une société technologique internationale dont le Siège social est basée à Singapour. Nous sommes une plate-forme centrée sur le client pour l’exécution des transactions transfrontalières. Plusieurs banques régionales et mondiales se sont inscrites et opèrent en tant que partenaires du réseau en offrant des services de financement du commerce sur la plateforme. Outre l’affectation de contrepartie dans la blockchain, nous mettons en réseau l’expédition, la logistique, les ports et d’autres partenaires de réseau dans un réseau commercial de confiance pour nos clients. Avec la digitalisation et la blockchain, le commerce transfrontalier se transforme comme jamais auparavant. La plateforme de blockchain #dltledgers est en tête du peloton avec plus de 4 milliards USD d’échanges exécutés dans le monde.”

A Graphenea lança a subsidiária de produtos químicos especiais KIVORO

Quality Control

Analysis of a specialty chemical

SAN SEBASTIAN, Espanha, Dec. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Graphenea S.A., líder mundial na produção de grafeno, lançou uma empresa subsidiária. A KIVORO é uma empresa química especializada, focada na criação de soluções para desafios industriais.

Vamos mais rápido! O slogan da KIVORO refere-se à agilidade e rapidez na colaboração com a empresa e, em conjunto com sua abordagem “keep-it-simple”, eles estão dando nova vida ao setor de produtos químicos especializados. Jeremey Shipp, Diretor de Vendas da KIVORO salienta: “Estamos trabalhando em desafios industriais complicados, mas não temos dificuldades para lidar com eles. Entendemos que nossos clientes estão em busca de soluções, não de problemas, e somos uma organização direta e ágil”.

Quality Control

Conducting quality control analysis

A KIVORO vai além do grafeno, comenta o CEO Jesús de la Fuente: “A KIVORO foi criada para podermos comercializar nossas soluções industriais atuais e irmos além do grafeno”. Naturalmente manteremos nossa experiência líder em carbono e nanomateriais, mas estamos firmemente focados no desenvolvimento das especialidades químicas corretas para os desafios industriais de nossos clientes, a fim de trazer eficiências operacionais e reduzir as emissões”.

Specialty Chemical Production

Head of Production, Xabier Ulacia overseeing production

A KIVORO trabalha com muitas indústrias de construção, revestimentos, filtragem, compósitos e outras. Eles desenvolveram vários aditivos de alto desempenho que vão desde seu aditivo para cimento até o armazenamento de energia, compósitos, adesivos, látex de borracha, revestimentos e muito mais. Uma das realizações de que eles mais se orgulham é seu status de emissões líquidas zero, comentou o CEO Jesús de la Fuente: “Somos implacáveis em nossa busca de melhorias para alcançar grandes resultados com um impacto positivo no desempenho e no planeta. Todos os nossos produtos são neutros em carbono e, na maioria dos casos, nossos produtos permitem que nossos clientes melhorem sua pegada de carbono e economizem dinheiro”.

Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant

Sobre a Graphenea
A Graphenea é uma empresa de tecnologia criada em 2010 especializada na produção de grafeno, tem clientes em mais de 60 países e escritórios em San Sebastián (Espanha) e Boston (EUA). A Graphenea auxilia seus clientes produzindo novas formas de grafeno, desde transistores de efeito de campo de grafeno até óxidos de grafeno, e mantendo sua liderança no setor de produção de grafeno em expansão.

Sobre a KIVORO
A KIVORO é uma subsidiária da Graphenea e é o resultado de muitos anos de trabalho no setor de aditivos e nanotecnologia, onde eles acumularam um extenso know-how e conhecimento intersetorial na área de produtos químicos especializados. A KIVORO foi criada para melhorar e agregar valor aos produtos dos clientes, projetando o melhor aditivo químico para sua aplicação.

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Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant

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Graphenea lance KIVORO, sa compagnie dérivée spécialisée dans les produits chimiques

Quality Control

Analysis of a specialty chemical

SAINT-SÉBASTIEN, Espagne, 18 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Graphenea S.A., un des leaders dans la production mondiale de graphène, vient de lancer une entreprise dérivée. KIVORO est une société spécialisée dans les produits chimiques qui se concentre sur la création de solutions pour les défis de niveau industriel.

Let’s go faster! (Avançons plus vite !) Le slogan de KIVORO fait référence à la flexibilité et à la rapidité des collaborations que propose l’entreprise. Avec son slogan et son approche « de simplicité », KIVORO donne un nouveau souffle au secteur des produits chimiques spécialisés. Jeremey Shipp, directeur commercial chez KIVORO, mentionne : « Nous travaillons sur des défis industriels complexes, mais nous ne sommes pas un partenaire compliqué. Nous comprenons que nos clients sont à la recherche de solutions, pas de problèmes, et nous sommes une organisation directe et flexible. »

Quality Control

Conducting quality control analysis

KIVORO ne se confine pas au graphène, commente Jesús de la Fuente, PDG : « KIVORO a été conçue pour nous permettre de commercialiser nos solutions industrielles actuelles et de proposer plus que du graphène. Nous maintiendrons naturellement notre expertise de premier plan dans le domaine du carbone et des nanomatériaux, mais nous nous concentrons résolument sur le développement de produits chimiques spécialisés adaptés aux défis industriels de nos clients permettant d’obtenir des gains d’efficacité opérationnelle et de réduire les émissions. »

KIVORO travaille avec de nombreuses industries telles que la construction, les revêtements, la filtration, les composites, et bien d’autres encore. La compagnie a développé plusieurs additifs de haute performance, de leur exhausteur de ciment au stockage d’énergie, en passant par les composites, les adhésifs, les latex de caoutchouc, ou encore les revêtements, et plus encore. L’une des réussites de la compagnie dont KIVORO est la plus fière est son statut net zéro, et Jesús de la Fuente, PDG, a commenté « Nous sommes infatigables dans notre quête d’améliorations permettant d’obtenir d’excellents résultats présentant un impact positif sur les performances et la planète. Tous nos produits sont neutres en carbone. Dans la plupart des cas, nos produits permettent même à nos clients d’améliorer leur empreinte carbone tout en économisant de l’argent. »

Specialty Chemical Production

Head of Production, Xabier Ulacia overseeing production

À propos de Graphenea
Graphenea est une entreprise de technologie créée en 2010 et spécialisée dans la production de graphène. La compagnie compte des clients dans plus de 60 pays et a des bureaux à San Sebastián (Espagne) et Boston (États-Unis). Graphenea accompagne ses clients par la production de nouvelles formes de graphène, que ce soit des transistors à effet de champ en graphène ou des oxydes de graphène, et conserve son leadership dans le secteur en expansion de la production de graphène.

À propos de KIVORO
KIVORO est l’entreprise dérivée de Graphenea, et est l’aboutissement de nombreuses années de travail dans le secteur des additifs et des nanotechnologies avec le développement d’un savoir-faire et d’une expertise croisés étendus de l’industrie chimique spécialisée. KIVORO a été créée pour améliorer et valoriser les produits de ses clients, et concevoir le meilleur additif chimique pour leur application.

Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant


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Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant

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Messi, Mbappe Give Qatar Perfect World Cup Ending

When it comes to soccer, money can buy the world.

It can pay for the World Cup. And the world’s best players. And it can bundle them all up into a perfect package and present it to a global audience of millions.

The power of money was on full display in the Qatari city of Lusail on Sunday as Argentina beat France 4-2 on penalties to become world champion for the third time and end Lionel Messi’s pursuit of the one major trophy that had eluded him in his storied career.

One of the most thrilling finals in the tournament’s 92-year history finished 3-3 through extra time, with Messi scoring twice and Kylian Mbappé completing a hat trick.

“The match was completely insane,” Argentina coach Lionel Scaloni said afterwards. “I know it’s just a football game, a World Cup, and we shouldn’t think any further, but in Argentina, football is not just football. We have to celebrate.”

In the end it was not a bad return for Qatar, which spent an estimated $200 billion on staging soccer’s most prestigious event.

Hundreds of millions more have been paid out to take superstars Messi and Mbappé to Qatari-owned Paris Saint-Germain.

And here, on the sport’s biggest stage of all, was the perfect finale as far as the oil-and-gas rich Emirate was concerned.

On a temporary stage in the middle of the field, Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, gave Messi a Qatari ceremonial robe to wear over his Argentina shirt for the traditional World Cup trophy lift.

Messi was beaming with pride as he tenderly kissed the cup of solid gold. But it is arguably the host country that could consider itself the biggest winner after a tournament that appeared to demonstrate the effectiveness of so-called sportswashing.

After widespread criticism about its human rights record and treatment of migrant workers leading up to the event, the focus switched to soccer as the tournament progressed. By Sunday’s final, the narrative was fixed on Messi’s mission to emulate Argentina great Diego Maradona by leading his country to a World Cup title.

The subplot was France’s bid to become the first team to win the trophy back-to-back since Brazil and Pele in 1958 and ’62.

“It was always inevitable that the conversation would increasingly turn to football once the tournament started, but human rights questions have never gone away and will continue to be raised long after the tournament,” Steve Cockburn, head of economic and social justice at Amnesty International, told The Associated Press.

Amnesty says thousands of migrant workers have died “suddenly and unexpectedly” in Qatar over the past decade.

Last month Hassan al-Thawadi, the secretary-general of Qatar’s Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, said between 400 and 500 had died during construction for the tournament. The committee later said he was referring to work-related deaths from 2014-2020, not specifically for the World Cup.

Soccer’s governing body FIFA has been pressured to provide answers on a proposed compensation fund for those affected and the concept of a migrant workers center to be created in Doha.

Progress on both of those issues remains unclear.

“Qatar wants to be a hub for global sporting and cultural events, and so should know that scrutiny will continue,” Cockburn said. “Hosting the World Cup has brought far more attention on the treatment of migrant workers in Qatar and the rest of the Gulf than would otherwise have been the case, as well as the responsibility of sporting bodies such as FIFA.”

Concerns were also raised over the safety and wellbeing of fans from the LGBTQ+ community ahead of the tournament because homosexuality is a criminal offense in Qatar.

Captains of seven European nations, including England and Germany, planned to wear multicolored “One Love” armbands to promote inclusion and diversity. But they ultimately backed down when FIFA threatened to issue yellow cards to the players involved, saying it was a contravention of its regulations.

It is unclear whether that decision was taken under pressure from the Qatari government, but it added to the sense that the conservative Muslim country was hosting the World Cup on its own terms.

There was also a sudden ban on beer sales at stadiums two days before the opening match, which was a U-turn on the deal Qatar made to secure the tournament.

The term sportswashing is widely used in reference to countries or organizations trying to use sports to repair reputational damage.

And the World Cup deflected attention from off-field issues by producing some remarkable stories on it.

Saudi Arabia provided arguably the biggest shock in the tournament’s 92-year history by beating Argentina in their opening group-stage match.

Morocco became the first African country to make it through to the semifinals and sparked an outpouring of pride across the Arab world.

“For me, football makes people dream and children in particular,” Morocco coach Walid Regragui said. “In Morocco and Africa, we have kept those dreams alive.”

Perhaps predictably, FIFA president Gianni Infantino described it as the “best World Cup ever.”

However, he is not the only one to speak about it in positive terms.

“Qatar have won a lot of friends because of this World Cup and the way it has been handled,” said David Dein, the international president of England’s bids for the 2018 and ’22 World Cups.

He attended more than 50 games during the tournament and believes the experience will inspire real change in Qatar.

“They’ve been very open-minded to it,” he added. “I think Qatar will benefit from this going forward. I hope so. That should be a legacy for them.”

It is certainly easy to see the immediate benefit.

Qatar will forever be associated with Messi after he finally won the World Cup and further strengthened his case to be considered the greatest player of all time.

“It took so long, but here it is,” Messi said. “Obviously, I wanted to complete my career with this, (I) can’t ask for more.”

At 35, Messi was the story of what is likely his last World Cup, and the narrative became more compelling with every win, every goal and every assist that provided flashes of the brilliance he produced with more regularity during his peak years.

That the final developed into a personal duel between him and PSG teammate Mbappé added another thread to a captivating contest.

Mbappé is the natural heir to Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo as soccer’s next superstar and he scored the fist hat trick in a World Cup final in 56 years.

He was also the tournament’s leading scorer with eight goals, ensuring another of Qatar’s great investments was on the podium to collect a trophy in the end.

But the enduring image of a World Cup was one of the world’s greatest ever players, in traditional Qatari dress, lifting the sport’s biggest prize of all.

Source: Voice of America

Lots of Business Deals Reached During the US Africa Summit

Nearly 15 new commitments between U.S. and African businesses were announced during last week’s U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, in fields ranging from mining to healthcare to basketball.

Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, talked to reporters about one of the biggest deals made at the summit, an investment by U.S.-based Kobold Metals, which will be “a commitment of over $150 million dollars into Zambia’s mining sector.”

Raimondo added, “I think this is a model of what we need to be doing more. It’s a big deal.”

Why Zambia? Kobold Metals president and founder Josh Goldman said that when the company looked around the world for the best places to invest, Zambia rose to the top, as a “safe and peaceful place where we can hire exceptional people, where the laws support investing for the long term, where we can operate in ways that protect the environment and support local communities and where government supports our investment with actions that are fair, transparent and fast.”

Goldman added that his company will be working with the global mining investment firm EMR Capital and Zambia’s public/private mining company ZCCMIH.

Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema was at the signing and said this new partnership goes beyond his country, and that “This investment is in copper and cobalt, which are critical minerals to gravitating us from carbon-driven fuels to green fuels. Electric vehicles, that’s what we are talking about.”

Hichilema said that, “This is not about Zambia, this investment today is not about Kobold and ZCCM, it’s not about Zambia, it’s about all these and the rest of the world as we grapple with climate change issues, as we grapple with replacing climate damaging fuels with green fuels, and therefore electric vehicles, very, very important to us.”

Cobalt is an ingredient in lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles, tablets, laptops and smartphones.

Another signing occurred between two financial institutions: U.S. EXIM Bank and the African Export-Import Bank known as Afreximbank. The latter’s president and chairman, Benedict Okey Oramah, told VOA that by signing a memorandum of understanding, the two institutions moved from intention to action.

“It’s an MOU for collaboration to support trade and investment between Africa and the U.S. with special focus on diaspora engagement.” Oramah said. “We have an envelope of $500 million dollars attached to that MOU.”

“We also use this fund to support the critical sectors that Africa needs; the healthcare sector, climate adaptation projects, aspects of transportation and infrastructure and power as need be,” Oramah added.

The National Basketball Association was also at the summit to announce its ventures into Africa.

The league’s Africa CEO Victor Williams told VOA he was excited to be part of the forum because sports is an area where Africa has world class talent.

He said that while Africa NBA is happy to grow the game of basketball on the continent, there’s more: “We are also interested for sport to be a driver in economic growth and development as well as for sport to be a vehicle of social impact.”

The league already has offices in South Africa and Senegal and plans to expand in other regions.

Williams told VOA that earlier that year, they had opened an office in Lagos, Nigeria, and just announced that they will be opening an office in Cairo, Egypt, in 2023.

“This speaks to our commitment to grow our footprint on the continent and to use those office as a springboard to get close to our African fans,” Williams added.

He said each of those countries represent significant basketball and commercial opportunities.

Source: Voice of America