Bow Valley College introduces an English proficiency exemption

Removing barriers for newcomers and international students Calgary, March 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bow Valley College is announcing an exciting change to its admissions process for many international students and newcomers to Canada. Applicants from almost 50 countries around the world are now exempt from taking an English language proficiency test. “Bow Valley College prides […]

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Murang’a: Long Rains To Boost Tea Production

With onset of long rains in some parts of Murang’a County, tea farmers are anticipating increased production after experiencing drought for several months. The farmers since January this year, have been recording decreased production due prolonged dry weather conditions especially to tea growing zones. The dry weather experienced in the region occasioned meager earnings as […]

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KLB Calls For Education Partnerships With Counties

Migori County has been urged to partner with Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB) to improve the education sector in the county. The General Manager of Commercial Services at Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB) Evans Nyachienga said that KLB, a government parastatal was a development partner and an education stakeholder of the Lake Region Economic Block (LREB). He […]

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NASG Project Enhancing Maternal Healthcare In Migori

A Non-Governmental Organisation in Migori County has been implementing the Non-pneumatic Anti-shock Garment (NASG), an innovative mechanism for preventing Post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) among women. Post-partum hemorrhage is the leading direct cause of maternal deaths in the country and according to the NGO- Lwala Community Alliance Official Carren Siele they have been supporting the innovation in […]

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NOC-K Beach Games Come To A Close In Malindi

The inaugural National Olympic Committee of Kenya (NOC-K) Beach Games ended Sunday with assurances that Kenya has enough sporting talents to help expand her medal scope in international sporting competitions. Dr Paul Tergat, the NOC-K President, said the beach games held in Malindi’s Buntwani Beach Front Saturday and Sunday exposed talents that can enable Kenya […]

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