TrueCommerce nomme Randy Curran au poste de PDG pour diriger la société au cours de la prochaine phase de croissance

Le leader technologique chevronné poursuivra l’alignement de la société afin de générer une valeur accrue pour les clients mondiaux

FLORHAM PARK, New Jersey, 07 juin 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TrueCommerce, fournisseur mondial de solutions de connectivité, d’intégration et de commerce unifié pour les partenaires commerciaux, a annoncé aujourd’hui la nomination de Randy Curran au poste de président-directeur général et membre du conseil d’administration, à compter du 1er juin 2022.

« Nous sommes extrêmement fiers de la croissance que TrueCommerce a enregistrée », a déclaré Ryan Harper, associé général de Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe (WCAS) et membre du conseil d’administration de TrueCommerce. « Nous sommes convaincus que TrueCommerce accélèrera cette trajectoire ascendante sous la direction de Randy. C’est un leader éprouvé, doté d’une vaste expérience des entreprises de premier plan dans leurs prochaines étapes de croissance et d’excellence opérationnelle. »

La croissance de TrueCommerce est attribuée à plusieurs facteurs. Avec son acquisition de DiCentral, la société a doublé ses effectifs, augmenté sa clientèle de 40 % et étendu sa présence dans les Amériques, en Europe et en Asie-Pacifique. Elle a également investi dans sa plateforme mondiale et dans le développement de ses produits, enregistrant une hausse de 24 % des connexions totales à son réseau mondial en glissement annuel et une augmentation de 25 % du volume global de données sur le réseau commercial TrueCommerce par rapport à 2020.

M. Curran est un leader technologique de longue date qui, depuis des décennies, transforme et propulse des entreprises internationales à forte croissance vers le succès. Il était auparavant partenaire d’exploitation de WCAS, une société de capital-investissement américaine de premier plan, et partie prenante majoritaire de TrueCommerce. Avant de rejoindre Welsh Carson, M. Curran était PDG d’OHL, Inc. (acheté par la suite par GEODIS), le quatrième plus grand entrepôt logistique tiers (3PL) des États-Unis. Il y a créé un alignement au sein de l’équipe de direction et dirigé l’amélioration des systèmes d’information servant les clients et les employés. M. Curran a également occupé des postes de PDG chez ITC^Deltacom, Inc. (aujourd’hui Deltacom), ICG Communications et Thermadyne Holdings, Inc. Il est titulaire d’une licence en économie de l’université DePauw et d’un MBA de l’université de Loyola.

« TrueCommerce est à l’avant-garde du marché des technologies de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et, dans une économie mondiale qui a besoin de solutions de chaîne d’approvisionnement fiables et fluides, les opportunités de croissance pour l’entreprise sont énormes », a déclaré M. Curran. « Je suis honoré de rejoindre cette équipe talentueuse pour favoriser l’alignement de la réussite des clients, de la mise en œuvre et du soutien et faire de TrueCommerce un employeur de choix. »

À propos de Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe
WCAS est une société de capital-investissement américaine de premier plan axée sur deux secteurs cibles : la santé et les technologies. Depuis sa création en 1979, la stratégie de la société a consisté à s’associer à des équipes de direction exceptionnelles et à créer de la valeur pour ses investisseurs grâce à une combinaison d’améliorations opérationnelles, d’initiatives de croissance et d’acquisitions stratégiques. La société a levé et géré des fonds totalisant plus de 27 milliards de dollars de capitaux engagés. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur notre site

À propos de TrueCommerce
TrueCommerce est le moyen le plus complet de connecter votre entreprise à la chaîne d’approvisionnement, en intégrant tout, de l’EDI à la gestion des stocks, en passant par le traitement des commandes, les vitrines et les marchés numériques. Nous avons révolutionné la visibilité et la collaboration de la chaîne logistique en aidant les entreprises à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs initiatives omni-canales grâce à la connectivité P2P professionnelle, à la gestion des commandes, au réapprovisionnement collaboratif, au traitement intelligent, aux analyses inter-fonctionnelles et à la gestion des informations produit.

Le réseau commercial mondial TrueCommerce peut connecter les entreprises à plus de 160 000 détaillants, distributeurs et fournisseurs de services logistiques. Véritable fournisseur de services gérés, TrueCommerce gère également le processus d’intégration des nouveaux partenaires commerciaux, et assure la gestion courante des modifications de mappage et d’étiquetage spécifiques à chaque partenaire ainsi que le suivi de la communication. C’est pourquoi des milliers d’entreprises, des startups aux sociétés du classement Fortune 100, dans différents secteurs, nous font confiance.

TrueCommerce : faites des affaires avec des moyens illimités !
Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site

Contact auprès des médias
Yegor Kuznetsov
Directeur des communications marketing

TrueCommerce nomeia Randy Curran como CEO para liderar a empresa na próxima fase de crescimento

Líder veterano em tecnologia irá alinhar ainda mais a empresa para gerar maior valor para clientes em todo o mundo

FLORHAM PARK, N.J., June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  A TrueCommerce, fornecedora global de soluções de conectividade, integração e comércio unificado de parceiros comerciais, anunciou hoje que Randy Curran foi nomeado Diretor-Presidente e membro do Conselho de Administração, a vigorar a partir de 1º de junho de 2022.

“Estamos incrivelmente orgulhosos do crescimento da TrueCommerce”, disse Ryan Harper, Sócio Geral da Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe (WCAS) e membro do Conselho de Administração da TrueCommerce. “Estamos confiantes de que a TrueCommerce irá acelerar essa trajetória ascendente sob a orientação de Randy. Ele é líder comprovado, com vasta experiência com a liderança de empresas nos próximos estágios de crescimento e excelência operacional.”

O crescimento da TrueCommerce é atribuído a vários fatores. Com a aquisição da DiCentral, a empresa dobrou o número dos seus funcionários, aumentou sua base de clientes em 40% e expandiu sua presença nas Américas, Europa e Ásia-Pacífico. A empresa também investiu na sua plataforma global e no desenvolvimento de produtos, tendo um aumento de 24% nas conexões totais com sua rede global ano após ano e um aumento de 25% no TrueCommerce Commerce Network em comparação com 2020.

O Sr. Curran é líder de longa data de tecnologia com décadas de experiência transformando e incentivando para o sucesso empresas internacionais de alto crescimento. Recentemente, ele foi Sócio Operacional da WCAS, uma empresa líder em private equity dos EUA e acionista majoritária da TrueCommerce. Antes da Welsh Carson, o Sr. Curran atuou como CEO da OHL, Inc. (posteriormente comprada pela GEODIS), o quarto maior armazém de logística de terceiros (3PL) dos EUA, onde estabeleceu o alinhamento da equipe de gerenciamento e liderou o aprimoramento dos sistemas de informação que atendiam clientes e funcionários. O Sr. Curran também ocupou cargos de CEO na ITC^ Deltacom, Inc. (agora Deltacom), ICG Communications e Thermadyne Holdings, Inc. Ele se formou na DePauw University com um B.A. em Economia e tem um MBA da Loyola University.

“A TrueCommerce está na vanguarda do mercado de tecnologia da cadeia de suprimentos e, em uma economia global que requer soluções confiáveis e contínuas para a cadeia de suprimentos, as oportunidades de crescimento para a empresa são enormes”, disse Curran. “Estou honrado em entrar para essa equipe talentosa com o objetivo de executar o alinhamento do sucesso, implementação e suporte do cliente, e de tornar a TrueCommerce o foco do empregador.”

Sobre a Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe
A WCAS é uma empresa líder de ativos privados dos EUA, focada em dois setores-alvo: saúde e saúde. Desde a sua fundação em 1979, a estratégia da empresa tem sido fazer parceria com excelentes equipes de gestão e criar valor para seus investidores por meio de melhorias operacionais, iniciativas de crescimento e aquisições estratégicas. A empresa levantou e gerenciou fundos que totalizam mais de US$27 bilhões de capital reservado. Para mais informação, visite

Sobre a TrueCommerce
A TrueCommerce é a maneira mais completa de conectar sua empresa com toda a cadeia de suprimentos, com total integração, desde EDI, gerenciamento de estoque, até atendimento, fachadas digitais e mercados. Revolucionamos a visibilidade e a colaboração da cadeia de suprimentos, ajudando as organizações a aproveitar ao máximo suas iniciativas omnicanal por meio da conectividade P2P de negócios, gerenciamento de pedidos, reabastecimento colaborativo, atendimento inteligente, análise multifuncional e gerenciamento de informações de produtos.

A TrueCommerce Global Commerce Network viabiliza a conexão das empresas com mais de 160.000 varejistas, distribuidores e provedores de serviços de logística. Como provedora de serviços totalmente gerenciado, também gerenciamos a integração de novos parceiros comerciais, bem como a gestão contínua de mapeamento específico de parceiros, alterações de rotulagem e monitoramento de comunicações. É por isso que milhares de empresas – desde as startups até as da Fortune 100 global de vários setores – dependem de nós.

TrueCommerce: Negócios em todas as direções
Para mais informação, visite

Contato com a Mídia
Yegor Kuznetsov
Diretor, Comunicações de Marketing

Monkeypox Outbreak Tops 1,000 Cases; WHO Warns of ‘Real’ Risk

The risk of monkeypox becoming established in nonendemic nations is real, the WHO warned Wednesday, with more than 1,000 cases confirmed in such countries.

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the U.N. health agency was not recommending mass vaccination against the virus and added that no deaths had been reported from the outbreaks.

“The risk of monkeypox becoming established in nonendemic countries is real,” Tedros told a press conference.

The zoonotic disease is endemic in humans in nine African countries, but outbreaks have been reported in the past month in several other states — mostly in Europe, and notably in Britain, Spain and Portugal.

“More than 1,000 confirmed cases of monkeypox have now been reported to WHO from 29 countries that are not endemic for the disease,” Tedros said.

“So far, no deaths have been reported in these countries. Cases have been reported mainly, but not only, among men who have sex with men.

“Some countries are now beginning to report cases of apparent community transmission, including some cases in women.”

Greece on Wednesday became the latest country to confirm its first case of the disease, with health authorities there saying it involved a man who had recently traveled to Portugal and who was hospitalized in stable condition.

The initial symptoms of monkeypox include a high fever, swollen lymph nodes and a blistery chickenpox-like rash.

Tedros said he was particularly concerned about the risk the virus poses to vulnerable groups, including pregnant women and children.

He said the sudden and unexpected appearance of monkeypox outside endemic countries suggested that there might have been undetected transmission for some time, but it was not known for how long.

One case of monkeypox in a nonendemic country is considered an outbreak.

Tedros said that while this was “clearly concerning,” the virus has been circulating and killing in Africa for decades, with more than 1,400 suspected cases and 66 deaths so far this year.

“The communities that live with the threat of this virus every day deserve the same concern, the same care and the same access to tools to protect themselves,” he said.


In the few places where vaccines are available, they are being used to protect those who may be exposed, such as health care workers.

Tedros said that post-exposure vaccination, ideally within four days, could be considered for higher-risk close contacts, such as sexual partners or household members.

He added that the WHO would issue guidance in the coming days on clinical care, infection prevention and control, vaccination and community protection.

He said people with symptoms should isolate at home and consult a health worker, while people in the same household should avoid close contact.

Few hospitalizations have been reported, apart from patients being isolated, the WHO said last weekend.

Sylvie Briand, the WHO’s epidemic and pandemic preparedness and prevention director, said the smallpox vaccine could be used against monkeypox, a fellow orthopoxvirus, with a high degree of efficacy.

The WHO is trying to determine how many doses are currently available and to find out from manufacturers what their production and distribution capacities are.

Source: Voice of America

Cameroon Troops Kill 9 Civilians in Separatist Region

Cameroon’s military says it has arrested four of its troops for the killing of nine civilians, including four women and a baby. A military spokesman says the troops fired on villagers after not getting any help in their search for a missing colleague in the rebel-prone area.

Cameroon’s military says the troops were deployed in the northwest village of Missong on June 1 to search for their missing colleague.

A military statement Tuesday night said villagers were “deviant in their behavior” toward the troops, who then fired on the unarmed civilians.

The rare statement of military wrongdoing said the troops killed four women, four men, and an 18-month-old girl, while a 12-year-old was injured.

Relatives of the victims, who did not want to be identified for fear of retaliation, told VOA the troops got angry when the villagers refused to help them find their missing colleague.

They said the troops were demanding villagers show them rebel hideouts, which they were afraid to do for fear of rebel payback.

Tamfu Richard is a human rights lawyer and member of the Cameroon Bar Council.

He notes it is not the first time the military has arrested troops for atrocities and that victims are still waiting for justice.

“We don’t have the feeling that the government itself is ready and willing to punish its elements,” said Tamfu. “We have witnessed that with the Ngarr-buh case which up till now is still pending before the courts. The government should hold these offices accountable and make sure that they face the law and that severe sanctions should be meted out on them. It is not permitted during war periods that human rights be violated or that you should kill innocent civilians.”

Cameroon’s military stormed Ngarr-buh, a northwestern village, in February 2020, killing 21 civilians.

Authorities initially denied their troops committed the massacre, calling the accusation separatist propaganda. But after international pressure, Cameroon authorities admitted troops were responsible.

Joseph Vincent Ntouda Ebode is a conflict resolution specialist at the University of Yaoundé.

He says it is surprising that Cameroon’s military, which prides itself on high quality training and respect for human rights, opened fire on unarmed civilians. Edobe says the abuse has scared many civilians from helping government troops by sharing information on separatist activities. He says if the military does not bring arrested troops to justice immediately, civilians may even begin sympathizing with separatists, who claim they are protecting English-speaking Cameroonians from military brutality.

Rights groups have accused both Cameroon’s military and anglophone separatists of killing civilians and torching their homes during the five-year conflict.

Both sides reject the accusations as intended to tarnish their image.

Unrest in Cameroon’s English-speaking western regions began in 2016 after teachers and lawyers protested the dominance of French-speakers in the officially bilingual country.

The military responded with a crackdown and rebels took up arms, saying they had to defend the minority English-speakers.

The U.N. says clashes between the two sides have left at least 3,300 people dead and more than 750,000 internally displaced.

Source: Voice of America