Des grappes de serveurs racine gérés par l’ICANN pour renforcer l’infrastructure Internet de l’Afrique

L’installation par l’ICANN d’une grappe de serveurs permettra une connectivité plus rapide et plus robuste au Kenya.

ISTANBULle 28 février 2022  /PRNewswire/ — Les utilisateurs d’Internet en Afrique bénéficieront bientôt d’un accès plus rapide et d’une meilleure protection contre les cyberattaques grâce à l’installation de deux grappes de serveurs racine. La Société pour l’attribution des noms de domaine et des numéros sur Internet (ICANN), l’organisation internationale à but non lucratif qui assure la coordination du système des noms de domaine et joue un rôle clé dans le maintien d’un Internet mondial, interopérable et sûr, a annoncé l’installation de deux nouvelles grappes de serveurs racine gérés par l’ICANN (IMRS) en Afrique, dont une au Kenya. Il s’agit pour l’ICANN du tout premier investissement de ce type en Afrique.

Aujourd’hui, 33 % de la population en Afrique a accès à Internet. Selon l’Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT), le nombre d’utilisateurs d’Internet en Afrique a augmenté de 23 % entre 2019 et 2021. Cette croissance est portée par une force de travail urbaine jeune, éduquée et férue de numérique, pour qui l’adoption et la consommation de services en ligne sont devenus une seconde nature.

L’installation des grappes IMRS apportera une capacité indispensable pour soutenir la croissance de l’utilisation de l’Internet en Afrique. Celle-ci, à son tour, permettra d’étayer la croissance économique et de créer des opportunités pour une grande partie des nouveaux utilisateurs d’Internet. Les grappes permettent que les requêtes Internet provenant d’Afrique puissent être traitées dans la région, sans dépendre de réseaux et de serveurs situés dans d’autres parties du monde, avec à la clé une réduction de la latence et une amélioration de l’expérience des internautes dans toute la région.

« Le développement de notre infrastructure en Afrique est conforme à la mission de l’ICANN, qui consiste à garantir que l’Internet reste sûr, stable et résilient dans le monde entier », a déclaré Göran Marby, président et directeur général de l’ICANN. « L’installation de grappes de serveurs en Afrique est une étape essentielle pour accroître l’accès à Internet et renforcer sa stabilité sur l’ensemble du continent. Bien sûr, cela n’aurait pas été possible sans la participation de la communauté locale. Nous sommes reconnaissants au ministère des TIC, de l’Innovation et des Affaires de la jeunesse du Kenya pour son soutien à l’établissement d’une grappe IMRS dans son pays et son engagement à faire progresser l’Internet dans le continent. »

En permettant une connectivité efficace en Afrique, l’ICANN, qui est membre du Secteur du développement des télécommunications de l’Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT-D), contribue également à l’objectif de l’initiative portée par la coalition numérique Partner2Connect, qui cherche à favoriser la connectivité et la transformation numérique des communautés « difficiles à atteindre ».

« La coalition numérique Partner2Connect représente pour le secteur des TIC une occasion unique d’adopter une approche globale, d’encourager de nouveaux partenariats et de mobiliser les ressources nécessaires pour connecter ceux qui ne sont pas encore connectés », a déclaré Doreen Bogdan-Martin, directrice du Bureau de développement des télécommunications de l’UIT.  Je me réjouis de l’engagement de l’ICANN envers les objectifs de la coalition Partner2Connect, qui visent à doter l’Afrique d’une infrastructure Internet critique et à promouvoir la connectivité universelle et la transformation numérique.

Joseph Mucheru, E.G.H, secrétaire de cabinet au ministère kenyan des TIC, de l’Innovation et des Affaires de la jeunesse, a salué l’investissement. « Nous saluons cette initiative comme une évolution positive qui s’inscrit à la fois dans le cadre de la stratégie africaine de transformation numérique (2020-2030) et, plus spécifiquement, dans celui du plan directeur pour l’économie numérique du Kenya, où les infrastructures sont considérées comme l’un des cinq piliers essentiels à la transformation numérique de l’économie. Nous remercions donc l’ICANN pour la confiance qu’elle nous accorde en choisissant à nouveau le Kenya pour héberger cette importante infrastructure, qui profitera non seulement au Kenya mais aussi au reste de l’Afrique et du monde. La mise en œuvre de cette initiative sera un élément majeur pour accélérer le programme de transformation numérique au Kenya. »

Les grappes réduiront le temps de chargement des sites web, notamment en cas de pics d’utilisation de l’Internet. Cela apportera des avantages immédiats aux internautes de tout le continent qui accèdent quotidiennement à Internet. Le plus important est peut-être que les nouvelles grappes IMRS réduiront l’impact d’une éventuelle cyberattaque sur le continent. Les cyberattaques par déni de service distribué (DDoS) visent à saturer les serveurs par une avalanche de requêtes. Avec deux grappes IMRS distinctes ainsi qu’une largeur de bande et une capacité de traitement des données plus élevées, le risque d’interruption de l’Internet en raison d’une cyberattaque sera considérablement réduit. L’augmentation de la capacité réduit l’impact des attaques.

Ce projet s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une initiative plus vaste de l’ICANN visant à étendre la présence mondiale de ses serveurs racine en ajoutant les deux grappes exploitées et gérées par l’ICANN en Afrique aux grappes existantes en Amérique du Nord, en Asie et en Europe.

Ressources médias

L’ICANN en Afrique : questions fréquentes.

Serveur racine géré par l’ICANN (IMRS) : questions fréquentes.

À propos de ICANN
La mission de l’ICANN est de garantir un Internet mondial sûr, stable et unifié. Pour contacter une personne sur Internet, vous devez saisir une adresse sur votre ordinateur ou autre dispositif : un nom ou un numéro. Cette adresse doit être unique pour permettre aux ordinateurs de s’identifier entre eux. L’ICANN coordonne ces identificateurs uniques à l’échelle mondiale. La société ICANN a été fondée en 1998 en tant qu’organisation à but non lucratif reconnue d’utilité publique. Elle rassemble au sein de sa communauté des participants du monde entier.


MTN Nigeria Launches Digital Multi-Experience Platform with Tecnotree Moments – for Gaming and Education

ESPOO, Finland, Feb. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Tecnotree, a Finnish-based global provider of digital transformation solutions for Communication Service Providers CSPs and Digital Service Providers DSPs, today announces the launch of its digital multi-experience platform, Tecnotree Moments in collaboration with MTN Nigeria. The multi-experience partner ecosystem offering aims to create lifestyle bundles of content, applications, and connectivity through a pre-integrated digital partner ecosystem for global, local and glocal high-demand and hyper-growth sectors. The platform will attract leading partners across different sectors such as education, entertainment, gaming, sports, health, and wellness, to enter Nigeria and use direct customer billing to convert ecosystem partners into instant revenue generators.

Tecnotree Moments is a gateway of digital services and lifestyle bundling products, being launched with e-sports content such as PUBG Mobile Daily, FIFA Daily, Rocket League Daily, Fortnite Monthly, and Fantasy Football. Its offerings also include Africa’s top-played games, with fresh games being updated regularly. With dynamic ecosystem partners, the platform is uniquely positioned to cater for the convergence in education and gaming content around the globe that fosters social and emotional learning, imperative for personalized and adaptive experiences.

This collaboration between Tecnotree Moments and MTN Nigeria is ground-breaking for realizing the full human potential of Nigerians across the country and creating an inclusive society that is key to promoting national development. Moments contains the complete Nigerian JSSCE, SSSCE, and IGCSE syllabus in the form of interactive and immersive content and live classes. Also, to remain relevant in the rapidly evolving digital economy, the MTN-Moments partnership will look at providing Massive Online Open Curriculum (MOOC) for career development and progression facilitating the acquisition of soft and technical skills. Considering the local skills and talent pool in the country, the platform will be launched first in Nigeria, with further plans to launch these services across other MTN OpCos in Africa.

‘MTN is constantly seeking partnerships to build platforms that provide a superior service to our customers. We have always been deliberate about giving our customers the very best in digital content. This partnership with Tecnotree is a reinforcement of that commitment. The platform will provide enormous quality content that cuts across education and entertainment for our customers.’ said Aisha Mumuni, MTN’s Acting Chief Digital Officer.

Padma Ravichander, CEO of Tecnotree Corporation said, ‘Our Vision is to empower digitally connected communities, narrow the digital divide and create digital inclusion for various diasporas of the Nigerian population. We are very excited to partner with MTN Nigeria to launch our Tecnotree Moments platform that will support the Nigerian community with true digital services and products through our global partners. MTN’s commitment to making Africa a truly digital economy is a powerful purpose and Tecnotree is proud to be its digital partner in the cause.’

Further Information

Tecnotree is the only full-stack digital business management solution provider for digital service providers, with over 40 years of deep domain knowledge, proven delivery, and transformation capability across the globe. Our open-source technology-based agile products and solutions comprise the full range (order-to-cash) of business process and subscription management for telecom and other digital service providers. Tecnotree products and platforms service over 800 million subscribers worldwide. Tecnotree is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (TEM1V). For more information, please visit our website or social media channels – Linkedin I Facebook I Twitter

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Chukwudi Jude Ihenetu, the Nigerian King of the IGBO Community in Ghana, Creates a Diaspora Partnership to Improve Global Health

ACCRA, Ghana, Feb. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — His Royal Majesty Eze Dr. Amb. Chukwudi Jude Ihenetu announces a global partnership in health with the Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation and Inderbitzin Solutions beginning with Ghana and Nigeria.

Through her global Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation, the Queen Mother commits to improving the lives of the Ghanian, Nigerian, and all people. “Health is wealth; it connects us to prosperity. In good faith, I am asking leaders to move forward together, commit to values, communicate honestly, and make a positive difference in people’s lives. In my name, let’s reduce recurrent polarizing, disagreement, and needless hardship, the root of generational suffering,” said Viola Ford Fletcher.

“All people can rise in health and essential knowledge; I think we can all agree upon that,” shared His Royal Majesty. “As leaders working together, we can build new levels of trust in our partnerships that support our mutual goals to improve lives. We can access global best practices and advanced technology and align them in state-of-the-art educational centers and industrious applications. This Diaspora relationship affords us new population health, bioinformatics capabilities, and connections related to advancing clean water, nutritious foods, essential educational frameworks, and sustainable economic opportunities.”

Presently, Inderbitzin Solutions is creating an unmatched health data platform including genomic detail that uniquely supports population health initiatives in Africa. “Together, we will close the gap in Healthcare and lead breakthroughs in science-based research. Our efforts grow, assemble, translate, and share essential information to better support wellbeing for African descent populations. We are increasing the democratization of health information for all people,” explained Paul Inderbitzin of Inderbitzin Solutions.

With Africa being the second most populated continent, population health data is part of its essential infrastructure. “Just as we continually improve our Internet and regional transportation connectivity to unite and position us for greater prosperity, we now connect the Diaspora and all people in essential health information. Cooperatively, we reduce data fragmentation, making it more accessible and usable. Purposefully using technology to empower supports to leapfrog into new levels of stability and prosperity. Broadening and organizing our knowledge allows us to better serve the needs of those we care for in our families, communities, and those less privileged; globally. We beautifully, peacefully, and prosperously create our lives when we have more sustainable health,” said His Royal Majesty Exe Dr. Amb. Chukwudi Jude Ihenetu.

“Working cooperatively, we can understand the needs, then create the right initiatives and assemble expert advisory to support solutions-oriented work that empowers people in meaningful ways. It’s 2022; there are approximately 7.5 billion people with 7 billion mobile phones; in combination, we hope to improve lives one at a time. Imagine supportive information that builds knowledge right on your smartphone; making the world healthier, wealthier, and wiser.,” said Ike Howard, the Foundation’s Chief Operating Officer.

About Royal Majesty Eze Dr. Amb. Chukwudi Jude Ihenetu:
His Royal Majesty Eze Dr. Amb. Chukwudi Jude Ihenetu is one of the most respected influential African Diaspora leaders. Residing at his palace in Accra, he is recognized by the Ghanaian government, who often defers to him on issues related to Ghana and Nigeria. His Majesty is also a successful businessman with ventures spanning Ghana, Nigeria, and other African countries. He is the chief executive officer of Chibert Group of companies with interests in transportation, Healthcare, farming, aluminum, education, entertainment, oil & gas, and marine services. Outside his numerous ventures, he is also a researcher and an author. One of his books, All About Leadership And Attainment Of Achievements, outlines the importance of African cultural values vis-à-vis modern leadership acumen.

About The Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation:
The Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation (VFFF) is a newly forming 501(c)(3) non-profit. Its principles, values, and intention stem from the oldest living survivor of one of the worst race massacres in the USA’s history. Taking place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1921, also referred to as Black Wall Street and the Tulsa Race Massacre. The Foundation partnerships define new levels of trust and operate for the good of humanity, believing we are stronger together. The VFFF aligns with leaders who serve at the front edge of noble causes that empower self-sufficiency through health, education, and economic opportunity. Presently, we are harnessing expert leaders to produce tangible results.

About Inderbitizin Solutions:
Inderbitzin Solutions is a US-based company whose mission is to make personalized and secured health information available for everyone. Their vision is for technology to empower 7 billion people, not 7 people, therefore changing how global healthcare data is collected, organized, and distributed.

In a totally secure environment, Inderbitzin Solutions will support decision-based analysis, research, and point-of-care capabilities. All users: patients, researchers, clinicians, pharma, health providers, and payers, will be provided the most relevant and usable information.

For more information about this release, please contact: Kristin Raffaelle at or 01-623-920-2152

Media Contact:
Kristin Raffaelle

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Sabre continues to drive growth in Africa through extended agreement with InterGuide

LAGOS, Nigeria, Feb. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Sabre Corporation  (NASDAQ: SABR), a leading software and technology provider that powers the global travel industry, and InterGuide Air Service, a Lagos-based travel company with over 20 years’ experience, have extended their partnership with a long-term agreement that will see InterGuide continue to represent the Sabre brand and distribute technology in West Africa, supporting Sabre’s growth in the region.

Through the extended agreement, InterGuide, an influential local partner with multiple verticals, will continue to operate as Sabre Central and Western Africa and as such will continue to make Sabre’s distribution services, bookable travel products and technology services, including those from Sabre’s partner ecosystem, available to travel agencies, corporations, and travel suppliers in 13 countries across the region.

Sabre logo. (PRNewsFoto/Sabre) (PRNewsFoto/SABRE)

The partnership will help enable Sabre to grow in existing countries, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Senegal, Liberia and Ivory Coast and to enter new countries including Mali, Togo, Benin, Mauritania, Niger, Gabon and Burkina Faso.

“We’re delighted to extend our relationship with InterGuide during this critical time for the travel industry,” said Salman Syed, vice president EMEA for Sabre Travel Solutions. “The challenges facing the industry today require a concerted collaborative effort between specialist partners. We are excited to leverage our technology expertise and InterGuide’s regional network and strong geographic ties to benefit travel customers, suppliers and agencies in Africa.”

To further support the region, Sabre and InterGuide are investing in the team, adding a new position in to the Airline Commercial team. Bobby Bryan will join as the new Sales and Account Director and will be based in Lagos. His main focus will be on building relationships and signing new airlines across the region into Sabre’s marketplace, to further enrich the content for agency subscribers. In addition to this, InterGuide has added Hamish Broom, former Sales Director, EMEA at Sabre into the leadership team and is adding more team members in the expansion countries.

“In these times of recovery, it is more important than ever that we can offer travel companies in Africa the agile and advanced solutions required to improve operational efficiencies and boost revenue,” said Gabriel Olowo, Chairman of InterGuide Group. “Sabre’s innovative business and technology solutions make them a partner of choice in meeting our requirements and addressing the challenges of today’s environment. Through the partnership we will seek to continue to deliver best-in-class technologies, including AI-driven products to travel agencies across Africa.”

About Sabre Corporation
Sabre Corporation is a leading software and technology company that powers the global travel industry, serving a wide range of travel companies including airlines, hoteliers, travel agencies and other suppliers. The company provides retailing, distribution and fulfilment solutions that help its customers operate more efficiently, drive revenue and offer personalized traveler experiences. Through its leading travel marketplace, Sabre connects travel suppliers with buyers from around the globe. Sabre’s technology platform managers more than $260B worth of global travel spend annually. Headquartered in Southlake, Texas, USA, Sabre serves customers in more than 160 countries around the world. For more information visit

About InterGuide Group
InterGuide is a conglomerate of service providers in airlines, hotels and related auxiliary and supplementary services. InterGuide operates in corporate, leisure and online travel, as well as GDS distribution, Airline GSA representation. It also runs an academy and consulting business which researches and produces skilled manpower who will become future industry leaders.

Holly Barnett

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Ukraine Crisis: Will African Oil Producers Take Advantage of Increasing Oil Prices?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the sanctions that followed, has pushed the price of oil to over $100 per barrel, the highest level in eight years. But, it’s also opened an opportunity for African oil producers like Nigeria, Angola, Libya, and Algeria to cash in with more crude oil exports. But a lack of refineries in Africa means crude oil exporters will also have to pay more for imported fuels.

The Brent crude oil prices hit $105 per barrel last week, it’s highest mark since 2014 and up by 47% since December, amid fears that supplies from Russia may be impacted by crisis.

Russia accounts for a significant amount of the world’s total crude oil output between 25-30% making it the second highest producer globally.

But experts say the crisis and sanctions slammed on Russia by Europe and America could significantly impact demand for Russian products and tip the odds in Africa’s favor.

“For Africa it’s a gain, it’s an opportunity, it presents that window of opportunity for African countries to see how they can increase their production capacity and meet the need of global demands of crude oil,” says Isaac Botti, a public finance expert.

However, Africa’s production combined accounts for less than a tenth of total global output. Nigeria is Africa’s largest producer of oil followed by Libya. Other notable producers are Algeria and Angola.

Experts predict oil prices will rise further but worry Nigeria could be facing a backlash.

“At the end of the day it’s going to hit on our economy. We may think that we’ll gain but remember we don’t refine out crude oil,” said economic analyst Paul Enyim.

Nigerian refineries have been shut down for about one year. The country depends on imports to meet it’s energy needs. Experts say prices paid for imported will also increase.

Authorities are also grappling with huge subsidies to keep pump price of oil products within affordable limits.

Last week Nigeria’s minister of state for Petroleum said authorities were not comfortable with the surge in prices of crude oil.

But this week, Algerian state-owned oil and gas giant said it would supply Europe if Russian exports dwindled as a result of the crisis.

Botti says it’s a good example for other African nations.

“We need to develop our capacity to produce locally, we need to look at various trade agreements that are existing,” he said.

For years African oil producers including Nigeria have been struggling to meet required daily output levels.

Experts however worry African producers may struggle to fit into the big market with increasing global demands for crude oil.

For weeks, Nigeria has been battling to normalize fuel supply in the country after authorities recalled millions of liters of adulterated petrol from circulation causing a major shortage in West Africa’s most populous nation.

As the crises between Russia and Ukraine lingers, experts say the shifting focus on Africa could be both a blessing and a burden.

Source: Voice of America