As part of the implementation of the sustainable management of municipal landscapes for REDD+ (PGPC/REDD+) project, the General Directorate of Territorial Development (DGDT) organized on Wednesday August 21 2024, at Sapouy town hall, a capacity building workshop for the benefit of members of the provincial land planning commission.

Territorial planning is an integrated global vision which aims to ensure coherence in development interventions, explained in his introductory remarks the representative of the High Commissioner, Christian Rabo, also president of the special Bakata delegation.

He was delighted with the choice of his municipality to benefit from the support of the sustainable management of municipal landscapes for REDD+ (PGPC/REDD+) project, in the process of developing the master plan for municipal development and sustainable development. (SDADDC), through a collaboration protocol with the General Directorate of Territorial Development (DGDT).

Through two communications, the specialist in spati
al planning and local development, from the General Directorate of Territorial Development (DGDT), Mahamoudou Ouédraogo, presented the generalities on territorial planning, the methodological approach for developing a SDADDC, and collected opinions and suggestions from participants. He focused on the roles of the actors, the issues and the instruments of this planning document.

Through interactive exchanges, the members of the provincial planning commission demonstrated their collaboration and their availability to properly fulfill their roles in the SDADDC development process.

Source: Burkina Information Agency