Residents of Wemba in Makuyu, Murang’a County have decried increased cases of car break-ins where thieves are stealing vehicle parts leaving them counting losses in millions of shillings.

They said the thugs target homes with high-end vehicles, break into the homes at night, poison pets including cats and dogs before making away with car parts including side mirrors, wheels and sometimes even chickens.

One affected resident, Hosea Kagumo said the thieves are very strategic, targeting specific homesteads that have modern cars and sweep the vehicle parts clean.

He cited Monday’s incident where they gained entry into his house at around 3am by climbing over the wall after cutting a barbed electric wire, broke into his car and stole car headlights, side mirrors and rear lenses worth over Sh200, 000.

The incident was captured by CCTV, revealing the thieves were three, but no arrests have been made despite the matter being reported at the local police station.

John Mburu, another resident said on the same nigh
t another group simultaneously struck into two other homes in the neighbourhood stealing similar items.

Mburu believes that the suspects are well-organized criminal gangs and feared that they steal and sell the items to unscrupulous traders at throwaway prices.

‘There might be a network of individuals conducting surveys and informing the high-tech thieves of where to strike,’ said Mburu.

He urged vehicle owners to avoid buying spare parts of dubious origin to curb the trade in stolen items.

This has prompted almost all the residents to install CCTV cameras to enhance security saying they have been spending sleepless nights guarding their estates.

The residents blame the situation on inadequate police officers to bolster security, pointing out that the nearby police post has only two police officers who are unable to conduct serious night patrols to keep the thugs away.

They are calling for increased police patrols and greater cooperation with community policing initiatives like Nyumba Kumi to enhance se
curity in the area.

Source: Kenya News Agency