Ouagadougou: Public cleaning activities are organized in several unsanitary places in Ouagadougou, AIB noted this Sunday.

The special delegation from District 10 and the citizen monitoring committees carried out a major cleaning operation of the Eastern Interchange, yesterday, August 24, early in the morning, to rid the road of waste which regularly accumulates there. and make water drainage more fluid.

The same day, in District 4, residents gathered to clean the gutters and improve the drainage of rainwater which regularly causes flooding in the capital.

At the beginning of last week, the municipal technical services of the commune of Ouagadougou, partners and local residents deployed excavators, dump trucks and loaders to clear the Sougr-Nooma livestock market in Tanghin and the surrounding area of ??their deposits. garbage.

Since August 19, the public sanitation and hygiene department of the commune of Ouagadougou, in collaboration with the Nakambé Water Agency, has launched a vast sanitation operation
in the capital.

The commune of Ouagadougou had already benefited, on August 13, from a batch of sanitation equipment, including two dump trucks and a loading shovel, as part of the project to strengthen the rainwater sanitation network of Ouagadougou.

Ouagadougou, a city with very little elevation, often experiences flooding linked, among other things, to uncontrolled installations but also to the insufficiency and obstruction of evacuation channels.

The largest flood, which occurred on September 1, 2009 and was described as ‘decamillennial rain,’ caused 46 deaths, 40,000 houses destroyed and nearly 200,000 people affected.

Source: Burkina Information Agency