Ouagadougou: The Almeria FC team from sector 5 of Zabré won the fifth edition of the Zabré forces vives football vacation tournament by beating the ‘Petit Piment’ team from the village of Soussoula on Saturday, August 31, 2024 by a score of 1 goal to 0.

Launched on July 6, 2024, the Zabré Forces Vives football holiday tournament had its final on Saturday, August 31, 2024 on the Zabré town hall multi-sports ground.

This final pitted the Almeria FC team from sector 5 of Zabré against the ‘Petit Piment’ team from the village of Soussoula.

This fifth edition of the tournament focused on the theme: “Through football, let us overcome our differences and support our fighting forces.”

The sponsor, El Hadj Ousmane Gouba, congratulated the promoter Luc Sango for having been able to organize the tournament despite the difficult situation that Burkina is experiencing.

The special guest of the ceremony, the mission officer at the presidency for the Centre-East region, Adama Kamboné, took the opportunity to ask the yo
uth of Zabré to remain united and united in order to face terrorism.

As for the promoter, he thanked all those thanks to whom the tournament was able to take place until the final. He said he was happy to see the youth of Zabré united around the round ball.

“Sports in general and football in particular are powerful factors of social cohesion, a link par excellence between peoples. The unique thought of the youth of Zabré is called FOOTBALL and that makes me happy,” he added.

For its first place, thanks to the only goal scored by Mardochée Gouba in the first half of 25 minutes, the Almeria FC team won the trophy, gold medals, a set of jerseys, a ball and the sum of 60,000 FCFA.

The “Petit Piment” team from Soussoula, the unfortunate finalist, won silver medals, a set of jerseys, a ball and the sum of 40,000 FCFA.

The teams from the villages of Sangou and Youga, ranked third and fourth respectively, each left with a ball and the sums of 20,000 FCFA and 15,000 FCFA.

As a reminder, 20 teams from different s
ectors and villages of the commune of Zabré took part in the tournament, with 41 matches played in fair play.

Source: Burkina Information Agency