Promotion of national languages: the promotion of Buamu entrusted to the office of Roland Bicaba

The professor-researcher in linguistics at Norbert Zongo University in Koudougou, Roland Bicaba, was appointed on Saturday, August 31, 2024 to head the executive office of the Buamu national subcommission.

Composed of 11 members, the new executive office of the national subcommission of Buamu, responsible for the promotion of the language, was entrusted to university professor of linguistics Roland Bicaba, replacing Kani Gaston Gnoumou, who headed the office for 30 years.

This was during a general assembly of the said commission held on Saturday, August 31, 2024 in Ouagadougou. The new president is assisted by a vice-president, Sibada Sianta Youmou, and supported by a secretary general, Yétéban Ernest Tindo.

Immediately after taking office, the teacher-researcher pledged to consolidate the achievements of his predecessors. Mr. Bicaba also called on the Bua community to support the activities of the subcommittee.

According to the former president of the subcommittee, Kani Gaston Gnoumou, despite the diffi
culties encountered, he and his team were able to achieve “a lot” of achievements, namely the organization of two seminars (one on the Buamu alphabet and the other on how to read and transcribe Buamu), the development of the Buamu lexicon and other works to strengthen knowledge of the language, as well as the development of working tools for practitioners.

“Today, if you are a researcher in mathematics or a philosopher, you can find the appropriate buamu terms in the lexicon,” Mr. Gnoumou rejoiced.

According to the former head of the subcommittee, after so many years of work, the time had come to pass the torch to the young people, who have more facilities and skills.

“Currently, there are qualified language scholars, literacy professionals and translators,” he added.

In addition to the election of the executive board of the subcommittee, the General Assembly was an opportunity to examine and adopt the statutes and internal regulations of the subcommittee, as well as the activity reports.

Burkina Informa
tion Agency


Executive office of the national subcommittee of buamu:

No. Position Name and First name Municipality

01 President BICABA Roland Bondokuy

02 Vice-president YOUMOU Sibada Sianta Boni

03 Secretary general TINDO Yétéban Ernest Bagassi

04 Deputy secretary general TIBIRI Simon Pierre Dédougou

05 Secretary in charge of organization BIZOUNOU Djonvebo Bagassi

06 Secretary in charge of mobilization and communication DEMBELE Edouard Djibasso

07 Deputy secretary in charge of mobilization and communication COULIBALY Bissemite Sarah Kari

08 Treasurer general YOROUBA/KIENOU Nahisso Sara Djibasso

09 Deputy treasurer general DAKIO/KOHOUN Lamoussahan Sara Ouarkoye

10 Secretary in charge of social, cultural and sports affairs COULIBALY Buéni Charles Dédougou

11 Deputy secretary in charge of social, cultural and sports affairs BADOUN Bénimafé Houndé

Position No. Name and First Name Municipality

01 Auditor Pascal DAMA Doumbala

02 Auditor BAMBIO Timbaoué Dénis Houndé

Source: Burkina I
nformation Agency
