Pastor Paul Kouda called on the Burkinabe to become aware of what is happening to them and to support the Transition until its end if they hope to one day experience, for the first time, a true and transparent democracy, in a column published Wednesday by the information site

Excerpts: “When we lose a revolutionary regime or a revolutionary transition, it could possibly be found again only after 40 or 50 years: hence the interest in ensuring that the transition succeeds in its mission.

This success will allow Burkina Faso to experience the very first democracy, transparent in substance and form. So far, in terms of democracy, we are not there yet. If, for example, I grow my cotton, and at the market an influential customer imposes the price on me and buys it at the same time, is this not domination? Can we talk about law or freedom? Can we talk about sovereignty?

A successful transition inevitably gives birth to a fertile and sovereign democracy. Solidarity allows a country to be launched into
the dynamics of development (cf Mark 3:24). Indeed, the attack on Barsarlgho is a paradigm that unanimously activates the conscience of the Burkinabe to grasp reality.

The major question that remains is why Africans are willing to deliver their compatriots to the slaughter?

(…). Willingly or unwillingly, by the grace and justice of God, the sun of victory is rising. Today, the struggle that Africa is waging is no longer reserved only for the elite, but for all levels of society…

Source: Burkina Information Agency