The Notre Dame du Mont Carmel convent of Dédougou, hosted, on Saturday August 24, 2024, the first religious profession of Brothers Jean Baptiste Marie de l’Amour Divin Batayodi and Thierry du Bon Pasteur Faho . The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the provincial delegate, Father Florent Traoré, surrounded by numerous priests, religious men and women, parents and friends and a community mobilized for the occasion.

Brothers Jean Baptiste Marie de l’Amour Divin Batayodi from Kara in Togo and Thierry du Bon Pasteur Faho from Lékuy in the diocese of Nouna, have just reached a new stage in their journey, on Saturday August 24, 2024, after five years of training with the Discalced Carmelites.

Their first religious profession, which marks the end of their novitiate, opens a new stage to deepen their journey to better discover the family of the Discalced Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.

To do this, before the delegate of the provincial, each of the two professed people made, accordin
g to the consecrated formula, for one year a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience to Almighty God according to the rule and constitutions of the order. of the Discalced Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.

Also, everyone promised to give themselves wholeheartedly to this family established by Saint Thérèse, to achieve with the grace of the Holy Spirit and the help of the Virgin Mary, perfect charity by serving the Church our Mother through prayer. continual and apostolic action and to eternally glorify the Most Holy Trinity.

Through this act of profession, the professed received their professional insignia consisting of the vestment and the book of the constitution of the Discalced Brothers order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.

At the end of their profession, a commitment was made by the professed through the signing of their oath in the presence of the novitiate master and the provincial delegate.

In his homily, the delegate of the provincial, Father Florent Traoré, invited
the elected representatives of the day to live with humility and to open up to others while asking them to walk according to the charism of the congregation and to part with gain. easy and become champions in fraternal life in community, champions in the living of the vows of chastity and religious poverty.

To do this, he invited them to have a life program based on learning to live in relationship, learning to be in relationship with God in prayer, learning to be in relationship with others, that is to say, living in fraternity and finally learn to be in relationship with the Church and the world.

‘Living as a true Discalced Carmelite will consist of living in relationship with God in oration, in prayer, in living in good relationship with brothers in community in fraternity and in the apostolate,’ he explained.

The elected representatives of the day, through the voice of Brother Thierry of the Good Shepherd Faho, gave thanks to God for this stage of their journey.

They expressed their gratitude to the t
raining team and the entire community for the various supports they received during their training years.

They always rely on their prayers for the continuation of their training.

The Christian community mobilized for the profession of the two young people praised God through the songs skilfully performed by the Mont Carmel Choir of Dédougou.

The ceremony was attended by many priests and religious men and women who came from everywhere to provide their support to the community of Discalced Carmelites who are celebrating on August 24, 2024 the 462nd anniversary of the first foundation of the Monastery of St Joseph D’Avila by Saint Thérèse of Jesus in 1562.

Source: Burkina Information Agency