Ouagadougou: The Kourwéogo provincial section of the ‘Burkina rempart’ association, reaffirmed its support for the transitional government led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, on Saturday August 24, 2024, with a meeting in Boussé.

Supporters of the federation of ‘Burkina rempart’ associations met in Boussé this Saturday, August 24, 2024, for a meeting.

The objective is to reaffirm their support for the Transition government.

The event, under the sponsorship of the President and CEO of Simportrans, Ismaël Simporé, was attended by a delegation from the national office of ‘Burkina Rempart’, headed by its president, Michel Kopio, and notables customary and religious traditions of the commune.

Speaking about the motivations for holding this gathering, the provincial coordinator of the association, Siméon Ilboudo, indicated that the purpose of the demonstration is to show their adherence to the directions of the Head of State.

For him, he appreciates the president’s commitment to the reconquest of the national terri
tory and the work accomplished by his government to restore hope to the Burkinabè people.

‘For this, he deserves the contribution of everyone and the youth of Kourwéogo intends to contribute their part,’ he concluded.

Before meeting at the roundabout for the highlight of the ceremony, the demonstrators planted trees in the residence of the high commissioner of the Kourweogo province.

They then crisscrossed some of the city’s arteries chanting popular mobilization slogans, calling for patriotic commitment, solidarity with the fighting forces, support for the vision and actions of the leaders of the transitional power in court.

The meeting, punctuated by performances by artists, also gave rise to speeches.

The various speakers all praised the government’s efforts, both in terms of the fight against terrorism, social measures in favor of the populations, and in terms of economic development.

Speaking on behalf of the godfather, the leader of Nabraboro, Naaba Sonré, hoped that the spirit of cohesion and pat
riotic commitment could animate each Burkinabe like the predecessors, those who worked in particular for the reconstitution of the Upper Volta.

He prayed that Burkina Faso could in turn recover its territorial integrity, and thus hope for socio-economic development in peace and dignity.

For Michel Kopia, it is up to the youth to carry out this fight in support of President Ibrahim Traoré.

‘Because this power is first and foremost theirs and their approach portends a better tomorrow for them,’ he said.

According to him, the challenge is to rebuild a new Burkina, respected in the concert of nations, one which will give the people of Burkina Faso pride and which will offer citizens opportunities and equal chances of success.

Source: Burkina Information Agency