Women in Kenya have been called upon to report Obstetric Violence (OBV) experienced in health institutions which will shine a spotlight on the issue and help the government and other institutions address the violations against women.

A survey by Nguvu Collective on OBV faced by women in Kenya has revealed compelling evidence that Kenyan mothers are being subjected to gross human rights violations while seeking maternal care in healthcare institutions.

The qualitative survey, titled ‘Towards Ending OBV in Kenya’ – Unveiling the Invisible Wounds of Obstetric Violence Through the Voices of Kenyan Women drew responses from 189 women from 27 counties.

Ajra Mohamed, Partnerships Specialist at Nguvu Collective said that OBV is a shocking reality that has seldom been spoken about publicly.

‘This is evidenced by the fact that 94 percent of the women who participated in the survey said they did not report their OBV experience because they felt no action would be taken. Our survey is a stark reminder of the human to
ll of Obstetric Violence, which is a serious threat to National progress on maternal, infant, and child health. The situation demands radical change in maternal healthcare policies and practices,’ said Ms Mohamed.

According to the report, 83 percent of the respondents had encountered at least one form of OBV with 68 percent of the OBV incidents experienced by the respondents being gross human rights violations, such as physical and verbal abuse, forced procedures, withholding information, ignoring or dismissing concerns, denial of care, lack of privacy and dignity, discrimination, and failure to follow protocols or guidelines.

Of the women who participated in the survey, 11 percent were women with disabilities, while 51 percent came from low-income and below-the-poverty-line households. 46 percent of these women who had experienced OBV were between 25 and 34 years of age.

The survey was a dedicated effort to document stories of Kenyan women who experienced OBV over two months starting February 2024, Nguvu
Change Leaders Harriet Afandi, Deborah Monari, and Josephine Mwende, and Nguvu Collective’s Partnership Specialist Ajra Mohamed, used online survey methods, phone interviews and in person visits to hospitals to gather these stories.

The survey was conducted in partnership with BrightHarriet Foundation, The Debra Show, AbleRise Africa Society, Mukuru Slums Development Projects (MSDP) and their partners (LVCT Kenya), GAMAFRICA Foundation (By Hon. MP Gathoni Wamuchomba), Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya (APDK), Center for Advocacy and Awareness on the Rights of Youth- Africa (CAARY-AFRICA)

The various forms of Obstetric Violence that emerged through the survey were: Psychological and emotional abuse (62 percent) such as disregard of needs and pain, verbal abuse and humiliation, dehumanising and rude treatment, and discrimination

Physical violence and coercion (10 percent) such as pressuring or manipulating women into accepting medical interventions or procedures they do not want or need, hitti
ng, slapping, kicking, or restraining a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, or the postpartum period.

Medical neglect, malpractice, and unnecessary interventions (28 percent) such as denial of care, unsanitary maternity settings, non-consensual pelvic exams, forced sterilizations, unnecessary caesarean sections performed without medical justification, and unnecessary/wrong medication prescription and recommended usage.

‘The accounts of verbal, emotional, and physical abuse the women shared with us are deeply troubling and anguishing. We were disheartened to listen to their dehumanizing experiences while accessing maternal health care. Every woman has the right to be treated with dignity. We cannot and should not ignore the stories that emerged through this survey. We plan to share the findings with key duty-bearers and request them to drive momentum in the Parliamentary debate on the need for a National Policy on OBV,’ shared Nguvu Change Leaders Harriet Afandi, Josephine Mwende and Deborah Monari, the team
behind ‘Towards Ending OBV in Kenya’.

Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba has tried to change this narrative of silence by tabling a proposal for a National Policy to address OBV since last year. It is yet to be approved by Parliament.

The survey team found that a majority of incidents of OBV the respondents reported occurred during childbirth, with 55 percent of respondents experiencing mistreatment during this vulnerable stage. 27 percent of the reported incidents occurred during pregnancy, highlighting that mistreatment was not confined to the labour room.

Those most prone to subjecting women to OBV were nurses at 51 percent followed by doctors, obstetricians and gynecologists at 25 percent, and non-clinical staff at 19 percent.

The survey also revealed that nine percent of the reported OBV incidents resulted in infant deaths, while 13 percent had a long-term negative impact on the child’s health and development. Meanwhile, 21 percent of OBV incidents affected both the mother and child’s health and develo
pment in the long term.

The survivors who participated in the survey are seeking interventions that will increase awareness about women’s rights and respectful maternity care. 97 percent of them stress the importance of formal legislative measures in effectively addressing the issue.

Nguvu Collective is a social impact and international development organisation that supports emerging leaders from marginalised communities to create deep social impact.

Source: Kenya News Agency