Professor Joseph Paré has just been elected by acclamation vice-president of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS), AIB learned this Saturday from a source close to the family.

Retired professor of literary semiotics at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Vice-President of the National Academy of Burkina Faso and member of the Council of the Order of CAMES, Joseph Paré was elected to the post of Vice-President of the IASS-AIS at the World Semiotics Congress which ended yesterday Friday in Warsaw, explained the journalist Biendjeda Ousmane Paré, confirming to AB that it was the person concerned himself who told him so.

“It was at the end of the World Congress of Semiotics which was held from September 2 to 6, 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. On this occasion, the association’s board was renewed. By acclamation of his peers, Professor Joseph Paré, full professor of semiotics, was elected to the position of Vice-President for Africa,” details Ousmane Paré on his Facebook page.

Former Minister of Higher
Education and Ambassador of Burkina Faso in Paris between 2011-2013, Joseph Paré chaired the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University of Ouagadougou, the largest and oldest in Burkina Faso.

“I believe that, given my knowledge of semiotics and the challenges of training and research in French-speaking Africa in particular, I can carry the torch of our association high if I am elected to the post of Vice-President for Africa,” declared Joseph Paré to justify his candidacy.

Source: Burkina Information Agency