In December 2022, a historic fifth consecutive failed rainy season was confirmed in the Greater Horn of Africa. More than 36 million people are affected by the drought in the region, of which more than two million people have been forced to leave their homes in search of life-saving assistance. A recent Famine Review Committee report for Somalia stated: “… if funding, outreach, management and coverage in all sectors and in particular in health and WASH are not scaled up, famine is a strong possibility and not only in the April-June 2023 period but well beyond that.” However, in Djibouti recent heavy rains brought some relief to the drought-affected country, but also flooding. An inter-agency assessment there is determining the impact of recent events.


  • Urgent need for the humanitarian community to scale up operations across the region, especially in WASH and Health.
  • IOM operations in all four countries remain severely underfunded; increased and sustained funding for 2023 is urgently required.



Source: International Organization for Migration