A government delegation led by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Serges Poda, met with the vital forces of the province of Ioba on Thursday, August 29, 2024 in Dano. On this occasion, it conveyed the messages of the Head of State to the populations.

The government team touring the South-West was composed of the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Serges Poda, and his colleague for Sports, Youth and Employment, Roland Somda. In the province of Ioba, these members of the government were received by the head of the canton of Dano, Naonfa 2, surrounded by his notables. During this courtesy visit, the spokesperson of the delegation, Minister Poda, explained to the customary leaders the purpose of this tour. According to him, it was on the instructions of the President of Faso that this mission was organized. “We are carrying three messages from the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré. The first part concerns the issue of security and peace, the second concerns social cohesion, and the third
message concerns the measures and actions undertaken to revive the socio-economic life of Burkina Faso,” said Serges Poda. He expressed the thanks of the President of Faso to the guarantors of tradition for their support for the return of peace.

The ministerial delegation, accompanied by the governor of the South-West region, Boureima Savadogo, and the defense and security forces, spoke with the population in the courtyard of the Dano town hall. The opening of this exchange meeting was marked by the Ditanyè sung by all the participants. Here again, the Minister of Commerce, assisted by the Minister of Sports, presented the three key messages of the Head of State to the population.

Regarding the security issue, achievements have been made, said Minister Poda. The President of Faso has put in place the necessary means for the acquisition of materials and equipment for the benefit of the defense and security forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP). Thanks to this, several locali
ties have been reconquered and the resettled populations are working there, said the Minister of Commerce. He added that Captain Ibrahim Traoré instructed them to ask the sons and daughters of the South-West to always work to create social cohesion, to safeguard the spirit of solidarity, to unite and remain united.

Speaking about the actions undertaken to revive the national economy, Minister Poda cited presidential initiatives such as the agri-food and pastoral offensive, the provision of tractors to municipalities for free ploughing, and the equipment of thirteen regions with mobile clinics for the health of the populations. Serges Poda expressed President Ibrahim Traoré’s gratitude to the FDS and VDP for their dedication in reconquering the entire national territory. He also praised the efforts of the administrative, customary and religious authorities of the region for the return of peace to Burkina Faso.

In her speech, the High Commissioner of Ioba, Bernadette Adenyo née Sermé, noted the reopening, tha
nks to the bravery of the FDS and the VDP, of 26 schools and two health and social promotion centers (CSPS) previously closed due to terrorism in the communes of Guéguéré and Oronkua. She praised the courage and determination of the agents who work in these areas. According to Ms. Adenyo, social cohesion is a reality in the province of Ioba, as evidenced by the constant organization of the community day. In addition, the populations responded to the call of the Head of State by contributing to the patriotic support fund, she stressed.

The representative of the living forces, Aristide Youorikiè Dabiré, and the president of the provincial council of the elderly, Dindomè Albert Somé, reaffirmed the commitment of the populations of Ioba to support the actions of the government and Captain Ibrahim Traoré. Grievances listed in a memorandum were handed over to the emissaries of the President of Faso.

The two ministers donated food to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and fuel to the VDPs in the commune of Dano.
The mission went to Dissihn on Saturday, August 31, where it met with the population. The ministerial delegation also handed over fuel to the VDPs, food to the IDPs and solar panels to the health facilities in the commune of Dissihn.

Source: Burkina Information Agency