Ouagadougou: The man is the head which cannot turn without the woman, who is the neck, said yesterday, Saturday, Dr Justine Kielem/Coulidiaty, calling on the two to unite against terrorism in Burkina Faso.

‘In a subtle way (…) we agree and we recognize that the woman is the neck everywhere and that the man is the head. But the head cannot turn without the neck,’ said yesterday, Saturday, the president of the Action Group for the Promotion of Education, Training of Women and Young Girls (GAPEFJF), Dr. Justine Kielem /Coulidiaty.

According to Dr Kielem, ‘without this vision, without this common action and without this solidarity, we cannot recover our lands’ from the hands of terrorists.

She was speaking at the launch of the reforestation campaign of the National Armed Forces, under the theme: ‘Tree and hope’.

‘We want to tell you all our commitment to supporting you in your boldness and assure you that we will display the same boldness for this noble fight’ against terrorism, added Justine Kielem Coulidiat
y, very active in several women’s organizations.

According to her, the woman is a strategist who must help to recover the 274,300 square kilometers, without letting any square millimeter escape.

‘War has made some Kings, others slaves. We will accompany you beyond Burkina Faso so that you can be Kings (…). We are committed everywhere and in a complementary manner where we can act to support you,’ promised Dr. Justine Kielem Coulidiaty to the fighting forces.

Source: Burkina Information Agency