Delphix India atinge marco de mais de 100 funcionários em dois anos

Empresa continua a contratar para vários cargos de liderança

BENGALURU, India, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Delphix, empresa de dados líder do setor de DevOps, anunciou hoje que ultrapassou o marco de 100 funcionários na Índia, somente dois anos depois da abertura de um centro de P&D de última geração em NCR. A empresa continua a contratar de forma agressiva, até mesmo durante a pandemia, tendo, no momento, mais de 30 vagas para Diretor níveis seniores nas áreas de Engenharia, Marketing e TI.

“Inauguramos nosso centro de P&D de engenharia na Índia em 2019 em apoio à inovação e ao crescimento. Tivemos a sorte de conquistar alguns dos melhores talentos do país para a nossa equipe”, disse Jedidiah Yueh, CEO da Delphix.

Os funcionários da Delphix na Índia são pioneiros em algumas das principais inovações da empresa, incluindo principais projetos de engenharia para integração com Oracle, SAP S/4HANA, Salesforce, SQL Server, Postgres, MongoDB, etc.

“O capital intelectual da nossa equipe de engenharia na Índia é inigualável. Estou muito empolgado com esse momento e continuamos a expandir nossa presença em todo o país”, disse Vijay Anthony Sebastian, Diretor Administrativo da Índia.

A equipe de RH da empresa foi vencedora de um Bronze Stevie® Award na categoria “Equipe de RH do Ano” no The 19th Annual American Business Awards®. O prêmio reconheceu os esforços da equipe para levar a empresa a “sobreviver e prosperar” durante a pandemia.

“Quando a pandemia estava afetando quase 40% dos nossos funcionários na Índia, a carga de trabalho foi compartilhada com outras regiões, proporcionamos um período prolongado de folga para as pessoas afetadas e criamos uma força-tarefa central provisória para ajudar e apoiar os funcionários com problemas. Também instituímos uma política remota para nossos funcionários na Índia”, disse Jason Binder, VP de Pessoas da Delphix.

A Delphix anunciou recentemente um aumento das suas taxas gerais de diversidade de funcionários de 29,5% no 4T21 para 31,7% no 1T22, um crescimento de mais de 2% no último trimestre. As mulheres representam quase um quarto da força de trabalho. A empresa teve um aumento na força de trabalho feminina de 22,8% no 4T21 para 24,7% no 1T22, um crescimento de quase 2% no último trimestre.

No início deste ano, a empresa anunciou que sua taxa de crescimento anual aumentou mais de 85% no exercício fiscal encerrado em janeiro de 2021 em comparação com o ano anterior, levando-a à rentabilidade não GAAP. Os clientes da Delphix agora incluem 24 das empresas da Fortune 100, sete dos 10 melhores bancos da América do Norte, cinco das 10 melhores empresas de telecomunicações do mundo e mais de 60 seguradoras e provedores de planos de saúde.

Sobre a Delphix
A Delphix é a empresa de dados líder do setor de DevOps.

Os dados são essenciais para o teste de lançamentos de aplicativos, modernização, adoção de nuvem e programas AI/ML. Disponibilizamos uma plataforma de dados DevOps automatizada para todos os aplicativos corporativos. A Delphix mascara os dados para conformidade com a privacidade, protege os dados de ransomware e fornece dados eficientes e virtualizados para CI/CD.

Nossa plataforma inclui APIs essenciais de DevOps para provisionamento de dados, atualização, retrocesso, integração e controle de versão. As empresas líderes, incluindo Choice Hotels, J.B.Hunt e Fannie Mae, usam a Delphix para acelerar a transformação digital. Para mais informação, visite ou siga-nos no LinkedIn, Twitter, e Facebook.

Informações de Contato:
Aarthi Rayapura
Diretora, Editorial e Conteúdo



New York, NY, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NEW YORK, NY – On Thursday, October 5th, the international non-profit Oceanic Global launched the Blue Standard (Blue) a first-of-its-kind cross-industry standard that empowers industries and businesses of all sizes to achieve measurable impact that protects our blue planet. Emissions, toxins, and plastics are all consequences of human-made industry that are devastating the Earth. And with 70% of the planet covered by the ocean (which regulates our climate, absorbs our carbon, and produces more than half of the oxygen we breathe) marine ecosystems are bearing the brunt of our actions. While there are several existing standards built on the notion of  “going green,” Oceanic Global’s is the first-of-its-kind that looks at the impacts of industry on the ocean and humanity’s interconnectivity to it, and empowers businesses of all sizes with actions that protect & restore the blue.

The Blue Standard was developed together with Oceanic Global’s Scientific Advisory Board and trained experts in both WELL and LEED building rating systems, as a timely response to the impending threat of Climate Change and the increasing demand for transparent industry action. According to a 2021 study by Deloitte surveying over 10,000 individuals in over 6 different countries, more than 58% of respondents wanted organizations to adopt more environmental practices, and 42% reported have changed consumption habits themselves because of their stance on the environment. In turn, Blue features two core offerings: a 3-star sustainability verification system for Business Operations and Product and Packing Seals that verify plastic-free consumer goods. An evolution of Oceanic Global’s long standing industry solutions program (formerly known as The Oceanic Standard), Blue has verified the sustainability achievements of 400+ across 26 counties to-date ranging from Bulleit distillery in Tennessee, House of Yes and Salesforce in New York, to the Mandarin Oriental in Bangkok, Citi Tower in Hong Kong, Habitas in Tulum, Mexico and all 19 Sandals Resorts International properties in the Caribbean. Leading sustainable brands including: Plaine Products, Raw Elements, Ball Aluminum Cups, are also amongst the inaugural brands set to be awarded with Blue’s new Product and Packaging Seals.

Recognizing the opportunity and potential for businesses to meet both business demand and environmental need, the Blue Standard has also created custom programs for industries including: hospitality, music, events, office spaces, professional sports, consumer packaged goods, and more. These specified offerings work together to further the environmental efforts within their respective fields while also establishing universal accountability and cohesive benchmarks for sustainable business leadership across industry. Oceanic Global believes that impact should be accessible and open-source, and so the Blue Standard additionally offers a suite of services including: free educational guides, step-by-step auditing and consultation, and buying deals with a network of 300+ vetted vendors, that make it both easy and cost-effective for businesses to transition away from single-use plastics and otherwise environmentally detrimental products and processes. In turn, due it’s comprehensive & solution-driven structure, the framework of the Blue Standard has been leveraged by international governments including those of: New York City, New York State, the United States, Barbados, Spain, and more, to help shape over 7 policies to-date.

“With businesses of all sizes increasingly adopting sustainable practices, we recognized both the need and the potential to create universal accountability for these efforts and for how they’re communicated to consumers. Our hope is that through empowering comprehensive commitments to sustainability and lasting systems change, The Blue Standard will work to create a new balance between industries and the natural world that sustains them.”  – Lea d’Auriol, Founder of Oceanic Global

“The health of our ocean is at a tipping point as is that of our collective well-being. Blue works to empower tangible action at all levels. We developed Blue to inspire the people and communities that make up businesses and industries to take continued action for our blue planet, and to maximize the positive impact we can all create in our immediate spheres and beyond.” – Cassia Patel, Program Director, Oceanic Global

Oceanic Global will celebrate the official launch of the Blue Standard via a free & open-to-the-public virtual event taking place on Thursday, October 7th live-streamed at both Noon EDT and Midnight EDT to accommodate varying time zones. The event will delve deeper into Blue’s offering and feature environmental and industry thought leaders alike including: John Warner (Senior Vice President, Chemistry & Distinguished Research Fellow at Zymergen Corporation), Sandra Noonan (Chief Sustainability Officer, Just Salad), and Eduardo Castillo (Co-Founder & Creative Director, HABITAS; DJ) and more. To learn more and register to attend visit



Founded in 2017 by Lea d’Auriol, Oceanic Global (OG) inspires us to care deeply for the ocean and provides solutions to protect it. The international non-profit sheds light on humanity’s essential relationship to the ocean and empowers individuals, communities, and industries to create positive change. Oceanic Global creates educational experiences, consults on sustainable operations, and engages local communities to generate measurable impact for our collective wellbeing. Oceanic Global has international hubs & volunteer bases in New York, London, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Tulum, and Hong Kong, and has additionally been the official non-profit and production partner to United Nations World Oceans Day since 2019. #CareDeeply |


Launched in 2021 as an evolution of Oceanic Global’s long standing industry solution program (formerly known as the Oceanic Standard) The Blue Standard (Blue) combats greenwashing, establishes universal accountability for sustainable business leadership, and empowers industries and businesses of all sizes to achieve measurable impact that protects our blue planet. Developed together with Oceanic Global’s Scientific Advisory Board and trained experts in both WELL and LEED building rating systems, Blue features two core offerings: a 3-star sustainability verification system for Business Operations and Product and Packing Seals that verify plastic-free consumer goods. The Blue Standard offers specialized programs and consultation for industries including: hospitality, music, events, office spaces, professional sports, consumer packaged goods, and more, as well as free educational resources, step-by-step auditing and consultation support, and buying deals with a network of over 300+ vetted vendors to help businesses eliminate single-use plastics and operate sustainably. Blue has verified the sustainability achievements of over 400+ businesses across 26 countries to date, as well as helped over 7 environmental policies worldwide.


Natasha Berg
Oceanic Global

Le système biométrique de gestion des électeurs Neurotechnology utilisé avec succès lors des élections générales au Ghana

Neurotechnology a fourni des services et des produits – y compris MegaMatcher ABIS pour la gestion des électeurs, l’inscription des électeurs, la déduplication, l’arbitrage, la génération de listes électorales finales et la vérification pendant le vote – pour les élections générales du Ghana du 7 décembre 2020

VILNIUS, Lituanie, 5 octobre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Neurotechnology, un fournisseur de solutions basées sur l’apprentissage profond et de technologies d’identification biométrique et de reconnaissance d’objets de haute précision, a annoncé aujourd’hui que les services et produits de la société, y compris le système d’identification biométrique (ABIS) automatique MegaMatcher, ont été utilisés pour le système de gestion biométrique des électeurs du Ghana, fournissant l’inscription des électeurs, la déduplication, l’arbitrage, la génération de listes électorales finales et la vérification lors du vote pour les élections générales du pays qui se sont tenues le 7 décembre 2020.

Neurotechnology Biometric Voter Management System Used Successfully in Ghana General Elections

Neurotechnology a fourni le système de gestion biométrique des électeurs (logiciel) et a fourni des services connexes à la Commission électorale du Ghana en un temps record – seulement neuf mois du début à la fin – couvrant tout, de l’inscription initiale des électeurs à la préparation finale de la liste électorale et à la prise en charge sur place pour les élections générales.

MegaMatcher ABIS de Neurotechnology a fourni une déduplication pour un total de 17 027 641 inscrits qui avaient le droit de voter aux élections générales. En faisant correspondre les empreintes digitales et/ou la biométrie faciale pour chaque nom de titulaire, le système a réussi à identifier 15 860 enregistrements multiples effectués par 7 890 personnes uniques qui ont tenté de s’inscrire plus d’une fois en utilisant des noms différents.

« Nous sommes très satisfaits des logiciels et des services de Neurotechnology, qui ont été fournis dans un court laps de temps – neuf mois pour être précis, de la création à la fin », a déclaré Mme Jean Mensa, présidente de la Commission électorale du Ghana. « Le personnel de Neurotech était très professionnel et serviable. Ils étaient réactifs et accessibles car ils étaient physiquement présents sur place pendant toute la durée de l’exercice.

En fournissant une identification et une vérification très précises de chaque électeur inscrit, et en s’assurant que chaque électeur n’était en mesure de voter qu’un seul vote, le système de gestion biométrique des électeurs MegaMatcher ABIS a contribué à garantir des élections générales équitables, transparentes, crédibles et réussies au Ghana.

« Nous avons été heureux de travailler avec la Commission électorale du Ghana pour leur système de gestion biométrique des électeurs », a déclaré Irmantas Naujikas, directeur de Neurotechnology.

À propos de MegaMatcher ABIS
Le système d’identification biométrique automatisé MegaMatcher est un système complet et clé en main pour le déploiement de projets multi-biométriques à grande échelle. Disponible sous forme de logiciel sur site ou de service cloud , MegaMatcher ABIS comprend tous les algorithmes, logiciels et outils d’administration système nécessaires au déploiement de projets à l’échelle nationale tels que l’inscription biométrique des électeurs avec déduplication des enregistrements, la délivrance de passeports, le contrôle des frontières et d’autres utilisations civiles et pénales de l’AFIS/ABIS.

MegaMatcher ABIS et toute la gamme de produits biométriques Neurotechnology peuvent être achetés auprès de Neurotechnology et auprès de distributeurs du monde entier. Un essai gratuit de 30 jours est disponible et, comme pour tous les produits Neurotechnology, la dernière version est une mise à niveau gratuite pour les clients existants. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur

À propos de Neurotechnology
Neurotechnology est un développeur d’algorithmes et de logiciels de haute précision basés sur des réseaux neuronaux profonds et d’autres technologies liées à l’IA. La société a été lancée en 1990 à Vilnius, en Lituanie, avec l’idée maîtresse d’utiliser les réseaux neuronaux pour diverses applications, telles que l’identification biométrique des personnes, la vision par ordinateur, la robotique et l’intelligence artificielle. Depuis la première version de son système d’identification par empreintes digitales en 1991, la société a livré plus de 200 produits et mises à jour de versions. Plus de 3 000 intégrateurs de systèmes, sociétés de sécurité et fournisseurs de matériel dans plus de 140 pays intègrent les algorithmes de Neurotechnology dans leurs produits. Les algorithmes de la société ont obtenu les meilleurs résultats dans des évaluations technologiques indépendantes, notamment NIST MINEX, PFT, FRVT, IREX et FVC-onGoing. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur

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Neurotechnology Biometric Voter Management System Used Successfully in Ghana General Elections

Neurotechnology provided services and products – including MegaMatcher ABIS for voter management, voter registration, deduplication, adjudication, final voter list generation and verification during voting – for Ghana’s December 7, 2020 general elections

VILNIUS, Lithuania, Oct. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Neurotechnology, a provider of deep-learning-based solutions and high-precision biometric identification and object recognition technologies, today announced that the company’s services and products, including the MegaMatcher Automatic Biometric Identification System (ABIS), were used for Ghana’s Biometric Voter Management System, providing voter registration, deduplication, adjudication, final voter list generation and verification during voting for the country’s general elections held on December 7, 2020.

Neurotechnology Biometric Voter Management System Used Successfully in Ghana General Elections

Neurotechnology delivered the Biometric Voter Management System (Software) and provided related services for the Ghana Electoral Commission in record time – just nine months from start to finish – covering everything from initial voter registration to final voter list preparation and onsite support for the General Election.

Neurotechnology’s MegaMatcher ABIS provided deduplication for a total of 17,027,641 registrants who were eligible to vote in the general election. By matching fingerprints and/or facial biometrics for each registrant name, the system successfully identified 15,860 multiple registrations conducted by 7,890 unique individuals who attempted to register more than once using different names.

“We are highly satisfied with Neurotechnology’s software and services, which were provided in a short timeframe –nine months to be precise, from inception to completion,” stated Mrs. Jean Mensa, Chairperson for the Electoral Commission of Ghana. “The staff of Neurotech were highly professional and helpful.  They were responsive and accessible in that they were physically present on site throughout the duration of the exercise.

By providing highly accurate identification and verification of each registered voter, and by ensuring that each voter was only able to cast one vote, the MegaMatcher ABIS Biometric Voter Management System helped to ensure fair, transparent, credible and successful general elections in Ghana.

“We were pleased to work with the Electoral Commission of Ghana for their Biometric Voter Management System,” said Irmantas Naujikas, Director of Neurotechnology.

About MegaMatcher ABIS
The MegaMatcher Automated Biometric Identification System is a complete, turnkey system for the deployment of large-scale multi-biometric projects. Available as either on-premise software or as a cloud service, MegaMatcher ABIS includes all of the algorithms, software and system administration tools necessary for the deployment of national-scale projects like biometric voter registration with record deduplication, issuing of passports, border control and other civil and criminal AFIS/ABIS uses.

MegaMatcher ABIS and the entire Neurotechnology biometric product line can be purchased from Neurotechnology and through distributors worldwide. A free 30-day trial is available and, as with all Neurotechnology products, the latest version is a free upgrade for existing customers. For more information go to

About Neurotechnology
Neurotechnology is a developer of high-precision algorithms and software based on deep neural networks and other AI-related technologies. The company was launched in 1990 in Vilnius, Lithuania, with the key idea of using neural networks for various applications, such as biometric person identification, computer vision, robotics and artificial intelligence. Since the first release of its fingerprint identification system in 1991, the company has delivered more than 200 products and version upgrades. More than 3,000 system integrators, security companies and hardware providers in more than 140 countries integrate Neurotechnology’s algorithms into their products. The company’s algorithms have achieved top results in independent technology evaluations, including NIST MINEX, PFT, FRVT, IREX and FVC-onGoing. For more information, visit

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Solving Critical Sensing and Perception Challenges, Join LeddarTech at Three Major International Events in October 2021

LeddarTech’s Wheel-E Robot

Live from the Autotech Council Science Fair, come meet Wheel-E™, LeddarTech’s curbside detection robot which highlights the features of the LeddarTech development platform.

QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, a global leader in Level 1-5 ADAS and AD sensing technology, is pleased to continue its participation in several digital and in-person events during the month of October as both an exhibitor and presenter. These virtual and live events will showcase LeddarTech’s comprehensive end-to-end technology platforms, which enable customers to solve critical sensing and perception challenges across the entire value chain of the automotive and mobility markets. These featured solutions include the LeddarVision™ sensor-fusion and perception platform and the cost-effective, scalable LiDAR development platform based on patented LeddarEngine™ technology.

“The acceleration of autonomous driving depends heavily on the collaboration of like-minded professionals and our teams are excited to present, exhibit, and network at these upcoming events,” stated Daniel Aitken, VP of Global Marketing, Communications, and Product Management at LeddarTech.

ITS World Congress – October 11-15 (Live in Hamburg, Germany)

Featuring a LeddarTech demonstration of a selection of ITS LiDAR modules that have been adopted around the world.

The ITS World Congress is the world’s largest and most prominent event focused on smart mobility and the digitalization of transportation. Every year, this event celebrates the advancement of smart mobility as they underline the importance of intelligent transport systems (ITS). For 2021, ITS World will include live, interactive, and thought-provoking sessions where industry experts present the latest developments in ITS, showcasing and demonstrating cutting-edge technology within the event’s spacious exhibition space. The event will also include technical tours and live demonstration opportunities.

LeddarTech will be an active part of the Quebec delegation alongside Investissement Québec and Propulsion Québec.

When: October 11-15, 2021

Where: The Hamburg Messe & Congress Center

Register here.

Autotech Council Science Fair – October 14-15 (Live & Online)

Featuring a LeddarTech demonstration of the LeddarEngine, which comprises the LCA3 SoC, and proprietary signal processing software that delivers the range, resolution, and detection performance required to support the highest levels of autonomous driving for a wide variety of vehicles. Also displayed at this event is our curbside detection robot vehicle, the Wheel-E™, which highlights the features of the LeddarTech development platform.

Autotech Council’s Annual Science Fair is a once-a-year opportunity for technology companies to introduce their innovations to strategy, R&D, scouting, and partnership executives from across the mobility industry. This year, the Science Fair is a dual-format online and onsite event where car makers, vendors, startups, academics, and investors promote their innovations, products, and co-development projects in a show-and-tell format.

When: October 14-15, 2021

Where: Milpitas (California) & online

Register here.

Arm DevSummit – October 19-21 (Virtual)

Featuring Pierre Olivier, CTO of LeddarTech as panelist with Arm, Continental, and Amazon

The Arm DevSummit 2021 is a three-day virtual conference that serves up insights into the latest technology trends and allows the participants an opportunity to enhance skills in technical sessions and hands-on workshops while also providing the ability to network with like-minded software developers and hardware designers. Pierre Olivier, CTO of LeddarTech, will join panelists from Arm, Amazon, and Continental for an engaging panel discussion where experts offer insights into how automakers have embraced a more centralized computing strategy, replacing scores of microcontrollers and microprocessors with fewer but more powerful SoCs. With these zonal processors, the car can truly become software defined. This panel discussion will explore this transformation while sharing the challenges and opportunities that come with bringing more flexible, pervasive intelligence to cars.

Featured panel: “Buckle Up – The Software-Defined Car Is Here”

When: October 20, 2021, 12:00 p.m. – 12:50 p.m. EST

Register here.

For a complete list of LeddarTech’s upcoming live and virtual events, please visit

About LeddarTech

LeddarTech is a leader in environmental sensing platforms for autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems. Founded in 2007, LeddarTech has evolved to become a comprehensive end-to-end environmental sensing company by enabling customers to solve critical sensing and perception challenges across the entire value chain of the automotive and mobility market segments. With its LeddarVision™ sensor-fusion and perception platform and its cost-effective, scalable, and versatile LiDAR development solution for automotive-grade solid-state LiDARs based on the LeddarEngine™, LeddarTech enables Tier 1-2 automotive system integrators to develop full-stack sensing solutions for autonomy level 1 to 5. These solutions are actively deployed in autonomous shuttles, trucks, buses, delivery vehicles, smart cities/factories, and robotaxi applications. The company is responsible for several innovations in cutting-edge automotive and mobility remote-sensing applications, with over 100 patented technologies (granted or pending) enhancing ADAS and autonomous driving capabilities.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at and on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-President, Global Marketing, Communications, and Product Management, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ext. 232

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, VAYADrive, VayaVision, and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names, and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at