REFIRE Exhibits Clean Power Solutions through the Cloud at Expo 2020 Dubai

  • Representing the city of Shanghai, REFIRE exhibited its latest PRISMA fuel cell systems at the Expo’s cloud exhibition
  • REFIRE strengthens its industry partnerships and aims to reach more customers around the globe

DUBAI, UAE, Dec. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — At the Expo 2020 Dubai, which officially opened on 1 October 2021, Shanghai REFIRE Technology Co. Ltd. (REFIRE), a leading provider of hydrogen fuel cell technologies, showcased its medium- and high-power PRISMA hydrogen fuel cell systems as well as core components – fuel cell stacks. This is the first time REFIRE has exhibited its products to global visitors through World Expo’s online exhibition.

Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Shanghai, China, REFIRE is one of the most vocal promoters of the fuel cell vehicle industry and pioneers its way with continuous innovation, industry collaboration and cultivation of the value chain.

REFIRE joined the Expo as a representative of Shanghai’s most technologically innovative companies. In line with China’s 2060 carbon neutrality goal, REFIRE presented its latest fuel cell technologies that offer clean hydrogen energy solutions for future mobility.

PRISMA hydrogen fuel cell systems are the latest result of REFIRE’s innovation. The systems were developed based on the typical application scenario of commercial vehicles, especially heavy-duty vehicles. To guarantee the vehicles can run in all conditions and can deal with high-intensity situations while emitting zero pollutants, REFIRE massively improved the key technical indicators in its latest PRISMA XII+ fuel cell system, ensuring durability, reliability and system safety.

Robin Lin, Founder, Chairman and CEO of REFIRE said: “REFIRE is honored to be one of the representative companies of China and Shanghai at the World Expo. Although unable to travel to Dubai due to the ongoing pandemic, we were pleased to showcase our technological innovation and products under multiple application scenarios to the global audience online.

“For us, the Expo is a great international exchange platform so we may strengthen our global collaborations in the hydrogen industry, accelerate our global business expansion, and offer even more quality and reliable products to global customers. We are committed to providing green power to the world’s economic growth and sustainable development.”

Over the past six years, REFIRE has actively collaborated with multiple partners in the global industry chain to build an ecosystem for hydrogen energy applications and promote the large-scale development of fuel cell technology. The company’s technology is not only adopted in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions, Central and North China, but has also been expanded to international markets, such as Germany, Japan, Malaysia and the United States of America.

Against the background of promoting sustainable green growth, REFIRE has been committed to accelerating the mass adoption of zero-emission fuel cell mobility across the globe, and this year marks another fruitful year for its international business. In May, REFIRE has been granted certificates from authorised EU authority RDW through TÜV Nord, further paving way for REFIRE’s European market expansion. In August, REFIRE has collaborated with eCap Mobility, a strategic partner in northern Europe, and commissioned a fuel cell bus in Germany’s Lower Oder Valley National Park. In addition, REFIRE inked two partnerships this year with Schaeffler AG and Toyota respectively to accelerate fuel cell technology innovation.

One of the largest pavilions at the Expo, the China Pavilion showcases the country’s scientific and technological innovations and promotes international exchange and cooperation. The “Shanghai Day Exhibition on Cloud” featured at the Pavilion saw nearly 60 high-tech enterprises from Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta region showcase over 300 cutting-edge products, which is a reflection of the region’s achievements and applications in technological innovation and digital transformation.

Enter the REFIRE Expo Cloud Exhibition Hall and learn more about REFIRE’s cutting-edge clean power solutions via the link


Headquartered in Shanghai, China, REFIRE is a leading global provider of hydrogen fuel cell technologies. The company specializes in the design, testing, prototyping, application engineering and production of integrated fuel cell systems for buses, trucks, specialized vehicles, and marine applications. As of December 2021, REFIRE’s fuel cell technologies and products are powering fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) in daily use in 17 cities in China and 5 overseas countries.

Research shows Lianhua Qingwen capsules conferred preventive effects on those exposed to COVID-19

SHIJIAZHUANG, China, Dec. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — “Lianhua Qingwen capsules conferred preventive effects on those exposed to COVID-19”, claimed an article titled “Efficacy and Safety of Lianhuaqingwen Capsules for the Prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Prospective Open-Label Controlled Trial”, published November in the journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

According to the article, this is the first clinical trial that demonstrates the safety and efficacy of LH capsules in subjects who have had close contact with confirmed COVID-19 patients. Overall, treatment with LH capsules for 14 days resulted in a significantly lower rate of positive nucleic acid tests from nasal and pharyngeal swabs during the quarantine medical observation period. In addition, LH capsules had a favorable safety profile for the prevention of COVID-19.

“We included 1976 patients, including 1101 in the treatment group and 875 in the control group. The rate of positive nucleic acid tests in the treatment group was significantly lower than that in the control group (0.27 % vs. 1.14%)”, the article said.

As claimed by the article, Lianhua Qingwen, a TCM developed and produced by Yiling Pharmaceutical, was used for the treatment of influenza during the H1N1 flu outbreak. In a study of prophylactic drugs among 20,553 close contacts and the people around them in Langfang, Hebei Province, China, the incidence rate of symptoms in the LH group was 1.2%, while that of participants who took other drugs was 6.8%, and that of those who did not use drugs was 8.8%, indicating that LH has a good prophylactic effect. The LH has also shown good clinical efficacy for the treatment of COVID-19, the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2. LH was included in the Diagnosis and Treatment Programs for COVID-19 (from the fourth to eighth editions) formulated by the National Health Commission of China, which was published with the intention of preventing and treating viral influenza.

Globeleq, la première société indépendante d’électricité d’Afrique et ses partenaires, Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P. (EDM) et Sasol, ont annoncé la clôture financière du projet électrique Central Termica de Temane (CTT)

MAPUTO, Mozambique, 10 déc. 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Le financement par emprunt du projet de 652,3 millions de dollars américains est assuré par la IFC (Société financière internationale), en collaboration avec ses participants au prêt « B », FMO et Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (conjointement 253,5 millions de dollars américains), US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) (environ 191,5 millions de dollars américains) et le Fonds de l’OPEP pour le développement international (OPEC Fund) (50 millions de dollars américains). L’Agence multilatérale de garantie des investissements (AMGI) a octroyé jusqu’à 251,3 millions de dollars d’assurance contre les risques politiques aux investisseurs du secteur privé.

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth

Située à Temane, dans la province d’Inhambane, le projet CTT consiste en une centrale électrique au gaz de 450 MW qui fournira de l’électricité à EDMÂ dans le cadre d’un contrat d’affermage de 25 ans. La CTT devrait fournir de l’électricité pour répondre à la demande de 1,5 million de foyers et représentera environ 14 % de la capacité d’approvisionnement en électricité disponible pour répondre à la demande au Mozambique.

Le projet est aligné sur l’Accord de Paris et soutiendra la transition énergétique durable à long terme du Mozambique vers une consommation énergétique nette zéro d’ici 2050. La configuration technique et commerciale flexible da la centrale CTT permet un approvisionnement variable en charge de base et en énergie répartissable et fournira une énergie complémentaire afin que le Mozambique puisse maximiser les projets de production d’énergie renouvelable sur son réseau et poursuivre le développement d’énergie à plus faible teneur en carbone. En outre, les turbines Siemens SGT-800 choisies pour la centrale peuvent être mises à niveau pour gérer une forte teneur en hydrogène, ce qui réduit encore l’impact carbone de la centrale.

Le projet CTT permet également d’ancrer une nouvelle ligne de transmission à haute tension de 563 km (le Temane Transmission Project (TTP)) et de sécuriser la première phase de l’interconnexion du réseau méridional aux réseaux central et septentrional du Mozambique. Cela permettra d’établir un corridor d’électrification, d’assurer un réseau plus stable et plus sûr et de permettre la connexion de futurs projets de production renouvelable. Le TTP appartient à EDM et sera financé au moyen de subventions et de financements concessionnels fournis par la Banque mondiale, la Banque africaine de développement, la Banque islamique de développement, le Fonds de l’OPEP et le gouvernement norvégien. L’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur (développement du gaz, centrale au gaz et infrastructure de transmission) fera l’objet d’un investissement de plus de 2 milliards de dollars US.

« Ce projet novateur pourrait apporter des avantages économiques et sociaux importants en aidant à répondre à la demande croissante d’électricité du Mozambique, en soutenant la reprise économique du pays et la transition énergétique de la région. Il s’agit de notre troisième investissement énergétique au Mozambique, et nous restons déterminés à soutenir le développement durable du secteur de l’électricité du pays », a déclaré Linda Munyengeterwa, directrice régionale de l’industrie pour les infrastructures de la IFC au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique.

Le financement de la DFC pour ce projet aidera la population et les entreprises partout au Mozambique en réduisant le coût de l’électricité et en augmentant la production. Ce sont des gains de développement importants qui stimuleront le développement économique dans les collectivités partout au pays.

Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, directeur général du Fonds de l’OPEP, a déclaré : « Le Fonds de l’OPEP soutient le développement de la centrale électrique de Temane, ainsi que de l’infrastructure de transmission complémentaire, par le biais de ses facilités de prêt aux secteurs privé et public. Notre aide reflète notre engagement envers l’Objectif de développement durable 7 – Une énergie propre et abordable. Une fois achevée, la centrale de Temane permettra d’accroître la fourniture d’une énergie efficace et abordable aux foyers, aux entreprises et aux industries, contribuant ainsi au développement social et économique du Mozambique et de la région. »

Le ministre des Ressources minérales et de l’Énergie, l’honorable Ernesto Max Elias Tonela, a confirmé : « En tant que pays menacé par les pires effets du changement climatique, notre gouvernement soutient pleinement l’Accord de Paris. Nous travaillons sur nos plans de décarbonisation à long terme conformément à cet accord et la CTT est parfaitement en phase avec notre transition, qui comprend également le développement de projets hydroélectriques, solaires et éoliens. »

Le projet sera construit par l’entrepreneur espagnol TSK, qui utilisera la technologie efficace et éprouvée des turbines à gaz de Siemen. TSK possède une vaste expérience de la conception et de la construction de centrales à cycle combiné de taille similaire et tirera parti de son expérience de la construction dans le pays au cours de la période de construction de 34 mois. Le projet CTT devrait générer environ 830 emplois pendant la construction et 90 emplois permanents pendant l’exploitation. Ces chiffres ne tiennent pas compte de l’ingénierie et autres travaux effectués hors site. Les Mozambicains seront prioritaires pour ces emplois, tant pendant la construction que pendant l’exploitation. On estime que le projet soutiendra la création de 14 000 emplois indirects et moyens de subsistance lorsqu’il sera opérationnel en 2024.

Mike Scholey, PDG de Globeleq, a indiqué : « Globeleq s’est engagé à soutenir l’objectif du gouvernement d’atteindre l’accès universel à l’électricité d’ici 2030 et d’avoir un impact positif sur le paysage énergétique régional. Le gouvernement du Mozambique, par l’entremise d’EDM, est un partenaire stratégique de Globeleq alors que nous poursuivons notre croissance pour développer d’autres projets dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables, comme le projet d’énergie solaire et de batteries de Cuamba et d’autres projets éoliens et solaire en cours. »

Le président d’EDM, Marcelino Gildo Alberto, estime qu’« une nouvelle phase s’ouvre désormais dans le secteur de l’énergie, avec EDM ouvrant la voie dans les processus de production d’électricité de plus en plus propre pour promouvoir l’industrialisation du pays et l’exportation vers le marché régional. »

Priscillah Mabelane, vice-présidente exécutive de la division Énergie de Sasol, a déclaré : « Sasol est fière de s’associer à EDM et Globeleq dans le cadre de ce formidable projet de Temane, qui créera des emplois, permettra un approvisionnement en énergie durable et à faibles émissions de carbone et procurera des avantages durables dans le pays. » Elle a ajouté : « Sasol s’engage à contribuer de manière significative au développement du Mozambique. »

La centrale CTT devrait fournir sa première énergie en 2024.

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France to Unseal Secret Records on Algerian War of Independence

France announced Friday that it would soon declassify some of the most secret sections of its national archives concerning the Algerian war of independence, opening the door for citizens to explore some of bloodiest parts of the country’s history.

The Algerian war of independence lasted from 1954 to 1962, as the National Liberation Front fought against France for independence in a violent conflict that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Algerians. Over the course of the war, historians have found that French forces and their proxies used torture against their enemies.

French Culture Minister Roselyne Bachelot said that opening the records to the public was necessary to increase transparency surrounding the country’s history, according to Reuters.

“We need to have the courage to look the historical truth in the face,” Bachelot said.

The war in Algeria had serious political repercussions in France, prompting a failed coup attempt against former President Charles de Gaulle to prevent him from terminating French rule in the colony.

Although the war ended almost 60 years ago, it is still a sensitive subject within French society.

Chain of ‘repressive measures’

Reuters quoted Benjamin Stora, a top French historian on Algeria, who said the records will shed light on aspects of the war that have long been hidden, such as many unexplained deaths.

“You can know which people were under surveillance, followed, arrested,” Stora said. “It’s the whole chain leading up to repressive measures that can be unveiled.”

The Anadolu news agency reported that an Algerian presidential adviser, Abdelmadjid Cheiki, said the records’ declassification was “positive and important.”

A former representative in the Algerian Parliament, Kamal Belarbi, was hesitant to fully welcome France’s decision. Belarbi said it was difficult to accept that the country would completely expose the nature of its colonial rule, given that it has kept it secret for so many years.

“France will continue to tamper with the archives. The most important thing is that we remain committed to our demands to hold France accountable for crimes it committed in Algeria for 132 years,” he said.

The records’ declassification will likely have major repercussions for both nations and their citizens.

France’s announcement came two days after French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian’s trip to Algiers. While there, he conducted talks with Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune to revive the two countries’ rocky relationship.

Source: Voice of America

UN: Sudan’s Political Crisis Not Over

The U.N.’s top diplomat in Sudan said Friday that the country’s political crisis is not over, despite a November 21 power-sharing agreement between the military and the civilian prime minister that released him from detention and returned him to office.

“The agreement faces significant opposition from a large segment of Sudanese stakeholders, including parties and associations within the Forces of Freedom and Change, Resistance Committees, civil society organizations and women’s groups,” said Volker Perthes, the head of the U.N. assistance mission in Sudan, referring to some of the pro-democracy groups. “I have met with these and other stakeholders. Many feel betrayed by the coup, and now reject any negotiations or partnership with the military.”

Sudan’s military seized power on October 25, arresting dozens of officials in the country’s transitional government, including Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok. The military said the coup was necessary to maintain Sudan’s stability amid infighting between the army and civilian parties in the ruling Sovereign Council.

Hamdok was later moved to house arrest, and under a November 21 agreement with top general Abdel Fattah Burhan has returned to work in a transitional power-sharing agreement.

“The agreement is far from perfect but can help to avoid further bloodshed and provide a step towards comprehensive dialogue and a return to constitutional order,” Perthes told the U.N. Security Council Friday.

Thousands of Sudanese have been protesting in the streets since the deal, demanding a completely civilian government.

Perthes said there is a large trust deficit on the part of the public, especially the youth, since the coup. He urged the political leadership to take several steps to start rebuilding public trust, including lifting the military-imposed state of emergency, naming civilian members to the Sovereign Council, and restoring freedom of press.

He said an important indicator of whether the country has returned to the path to democratic transition would be whether political space is restored.

“This is particularly important in light of the professed goal by political and military leaders to hold free and fair elections possibly even earlier than originally planned,” Perthes said. “Authorities will need to ensure a conducive atmosphere for credible elections which the U.N. and other international actors can then support.”

The U.N. envoy also expressed concern about the suspension of some international development assistance following the coup.

“Sudanese authorities must demonstrate their commitment to return to a credible constitutional order in order to regain the trust of the international community to resume international financial assistance,” he said.

Sudan is among the U.N.’s top five countries experiencing a humanitarian crisis, with more than 14 million people in need of humanitarian assistance.

Source: Voice of America